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The Roaring Twenties Culture, Society, & Economics

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1 The Roaring Twenties Culture, Society, & Economics
US History

2 Historical Context Social & Economic Change
Mass Immigration (New Immigrants) 13.9 million foreign born 13.2% of population Mass Urbanization 1920 is the first year more people live in cities Great Migration & racial conflict (Red Summer – 1919) Technology: telephone, light bulb, radio, phonograph, motion picture, airplane, electric motor Progressive Era Government Regulation (work, politics, food, alcohol) Women’s Suffrage Muckrakers

3 Historical Context Foreign Policy Change Imperialism
Spanish American War, Hawaii, Philippines, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary World War I Neutrality, Involvement, Suspension of Rights, Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations Debate, Red Scare ( )

4 Decade of Conflict The 1920s is often framed as a decade of conflict between traditional, conservative values and new, modern values. This conflict affected society, economics and government. Liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values Conservative: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion Both political parties had liberals and conservatives until relatively recently (1970s/80s/90s).

5 1920s Cultural Conflicts Women’s Roles - 2 Prohibition – 3 Nativism
New KKK - 1 Sacco and Vanzetti Trial - 2 National Origins Act of Scopes Monkey Trial - 2 Harlem Renaissance - 3 Marcus Garvey

6 What factors contributed to the growth of the economy in the 1920s?
1920s Economic Boom: Automobile Culture (2) - Henry Ford mass produces cars, creates new industries Electricity(2) – new time saving devices Popular Entertainment/Culture(3) - (radio, movies, sports) Advertising(2) Stock Market Boom: Buying on Margin What factors contributed to the growth of the economy in the 1920s?

7 Terms to Know: Modern, Liberal, Traditional, Conservative, Prohibition, New KKK, Great Migration, Red Summer, Harlem Renaissance, Marcus Garvey, Women’s Roles, Scopes Monkey Trial, Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti Trial, Immigration Act of 1924, Mass Consumption, Assembly Line, Buying on Margin

8 Prohibition

9 Prohibition - Speakeasies

10 Prohibition – Problems and Repeal (1933)

11 New KKK

12 Marcus Garvey

13 Great Migration

14 Harlem Renaissance

15 Harlem Renaissance – Langston Hughes
I, too, sing America I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed I, too, am America.

16 Harlem Renaissance – Jazz Greats

17 Changing Women’s Roles - Flappers

18 Changing Women’s Roles

19 Scopes Monkey Trial John Scopes Darrow and Bryan

20 Scopes Monkey Trial

21 Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

22 Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

23 New Immigration Laws Immigration Act of 1921
3% of the nationality living in the US based on the census Immigration Act of 1924 2% of the nationality living in the US based on the census Discriminates against “New” Immigrants, many of whom arrived after 1890

24 Auto Culture – Henry Ford

25 Auto Culture

26 Electricity – Early Radios

27 Electricity – Early Fridges

28 Popular Culture

29 Popular Culture (1915) (1927)

30 Popular Culture

31 Advertising

32 Advertising

33 1920s Stock Market - Dow

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