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Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 2–1) Mathematical Practices Then/Now

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1 Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 2–1) Mathematical Practices Then/Now
New Vocabulary Key Concept: Linear Functions Example 1: Identify Linear Functions from Equations Example 2: Real-World Example: Identify Linear Functions from Graphs Example 3: Identify Line Symmetry Example 4: Identify Point Symmetry Lesson Menu

2 A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto
Determine whether the relation is a function. If it is a function, determine if it is one-to-one, onto, both, or neither. A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto C. function; both D. not a function 5-Minute Check 1

3 A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto C. function; both
Determine whether the relation is a function. If it is a function, determine if it is one-to-one, onto, both, or neither. A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto C. function; both D. not a function 5-Minute Check 2

4 A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto
Determine whether the relation is a function. If it is a function, determine if it is one-to-one, onto, both, or neither. {(1, 2), (2, 1), (5, 2), (2, 5)}. A. function; one-to-one B. function; onto C. function; both D. not a function 5-Minute Check 3

5 Find f(–3) if f(x) = x2 + 3x + 2. A. 20 B. 10 C. 2 D. –2
5-Minute Check 4

6 What is the value of f(3a) if f(x) = x2 – 2x + 3?
A. 3a + 3 B. 3a2 – 6a + 3 C. 9a2 – 2a + 3 D. 9a2 – 6a + 3 5-Minute Check 5

7 Mathematical Practices
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 7 Look for and make use of structure. Content Standards F.IF.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. F.IF.9 Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions). MP

8 Linearity and Symmetry
Section 2.2

9 You analyzed continuity of functions.
Identify linear and nonlinear functions by examining equations or graphs. Determine whether graphs of functions have line or point symmetry. Then/Now

10 linear equation linear function nonlinear function line symmetry
line of symmetry point symmetry point of symmetry Vocabulary

11 Key Concept

12 State whether each function is a linear function.
Identify Linear Functions from Equations State whether each function is a linear function. Write yes or no. Explain. g (x) = 2x – 5 Yes g(x) = 2x – 5 is written in the form y = mx + b. m = 2; b = –5 Answer: yes; m = 2, b = –5 Example 1

13 State whether each function is a linear function.
Identify Linear Functions from Equations State whether each function is a linear function. Write yes or no. Explain. B. p (x) = x3 + 2 No p(x) = x3 + 2 cannot be written in the form y = mx + b. Answer: No; x has an exponent other than 1. Example 1

14 State whether each function is a linear function.
Identify Linear Functions from Equations State whether each function is a linear function. Write yes or no. Explain. C. 3y – 21x = 12 Yes 3y – 21x = 12 can be written in the form y = mx + b. y = 7x + 4 m = 7; b = 4 Answer: Yes; the equation is equivalent to y = 7x + 4, m = 7, b = 4 Example 1

15 Identify Linear Functions from Graphs
EARNINGS Malena and Helena work part-time at a smoothie store. The number of hours they worked increased for the first 5 weeks on the job. The graph models Malena’s weekly earnings, and the table models Helena’s weekly earnings, for these 5 weeks. State whether each relation is a linear function. Explain. Real-World Example 2

16 Identify Linear Functions from Graphs
Real-World Example 2

17 Identify Linear Functions from Graphs
Malena’s graph is a linear function. A straight line can be drawn through the points on the graph. Helena’s table is not a linear function. The x values in the table increase at a constant rate; however the y values in the table do not increase at a constant rate. If the points were graphed, a line could not be drawn through the points. Real-World Example 2

18 Identify Linear Functions from Graphs
Answer: Malena: Linear function; a straight line can be drawn through all of the points on the graph. Helena: Nonlinear function; when the ordered pairs from the table are graphed, there is not a single straight line that can be drawn through all of the points. Real-World Example 2

19 Identify Line Symmetry
State whether the graph of the function has line symmetry. If so, identify the line of symmetry. Example 3

20 Answer: yes; the y-axis or x = 0
Identify Line Symmetry The graph has a line of symmetry. A line can be drawn through the center of the graph and the graph will be identical to the right and the left of the line. x = 0 or the y-axis You can fold the graph on the y-axis and the graph will be the same on each side of the line. Answer: yes; the y-axis or x = 0 Example 3

21 Identify Point Symmetry
State whether the graph of the function has point symmetry. If so, identify the point or points of symmetry. Example 4

22 Answer: yes; (0, 2) Identify Point Symmetry
The graph has a point of symmetry. The graph has a point of symmetry with which you can rotate the graph 180° and the graph will be identical. (0, 2) Is the point you can rotate the graph around. Answer: yes; (0, 2) Example 4

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