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disconsolate gloomy Hopelessly unhappy; cheerless joyful Synonym

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Presentation on theme: "disconsolate gloomy Hopelessly unhappy; cheerless joyful Synonym"— Presentation transcript:

1 disconsolate gloomy Hopelessly unhappy; cheerless joyful Synonym
Definition gloomy Hopelessly unhappy; cheerless Antonym joyful disconsolate “Remember Me” adjective Representation Sentence

2 elude evade Escape by cleverness or speed Synonym Definition Antonym
“Remember Me” verb Representation Sentence

3 perpetual unending Lasting for eternity temporary Synonym Definition
Antonym temporary perpetual “Knock, Knock” adjective Representation Sentence

4 deviant twisted Departing from the norm, sometimes in a negative way
Synonym Definition twisted Departing from the norm, sometimes in a negative way Antonym normal deviant “Being Cool In Middle” adjective Representation Sentence

5 brisk energetic Marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor lethargic
Synonym Definition energetic Marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor Antonym lethargic brisk “The Landlady” adjective Representation Sentence

6 conjure evoke To bring to mind Synonym Definition Antonym
“The Landlady” verb Representation Sentence

7 arrayed clad Adorned; dressed in finery unclothed Synonym Definition
Antonym unclothed arrayed “Richard Cory” adjective/verb Representation Sentence

8 “Retrieved Reformation”
Synonym Definition kindly In a kind and friendly manner Antonym hatefully genially “Retrieved Reformation” adverb Representation Sentence

9 “Retrieved Reformation”
Synonym Definition superior Famous and well-respected Antonym inferior eminent “Retrieved Reformation” adjective Representation Sentence

10 “Flowers for Algernon”
Synonym Definition indifferent Lacking emotion or interest Antonym enthusiastic apathetic “Flowers for Algernon” adjective Representation Sentence

11 “Flowers for Algernon”
Synonym Definition Faultfinder; skeptic; or pessimist A person whose outlook is scornfully and often habitually negative Antonym optimist cynic “Flowers for Algernon” noun Representation Sentence

12 disciple A follower of a teacher, leader, or philosopher devotee
Synonym Definition A follower of a teacher, leader, or philosopher devotee Antonym disciple “Larry p. 5” noun Representation Sentence

13 unrequited Not returned or reciprocated unappreciated grateful Synonym
Definition Not returned or reciprocated unappreciated Antonym grateful unrequited “Larry p. 10” adjective Representation Sentence

14 unbridled Not controlled wild restrained Synonym Definition Antonym
“Larry p. 11” adjective Representation Sentence

15 bliss Supreme happiness paradise misery Synonym Definition Antonym
“Larry p. 16” noun Representation Sentence

16 cretin An obnoxious person lacking judgment and good sense idiot
Synonym Definition An obnoxious person lacking judgment and good sense idiot Antonym gentleman cretin “Larry p. 22” noun Representation Sentence

17 resonate To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief
Synonym Definition To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief Echo (with effect) Antonym resonate “Larry p. 35” verb Representation Sentence

18 disconcerting Upsetting to one’s self bothersome pleasing Synonym
Definition Upsetting to one’s self bothersome Antonym pleasing disconcerting “Larry p. 61” adjective Representation Sentence

19 meticulous Detailed with perfection precise sloppy Synonym Definition
Antonym sloppy meticulous “Larry p. 67” adjective Representation Sentence

20 innocuous Not harmful; not likely to irritate unoffending damaging
Synonym Definition Not harmful; not likely to irritate unoffending Antonym damaging innocuous “Larry p. 70” adjective Representation Sentence

21 Synonym Definition Without depth or detail; not intellectually or emotionally deep shallow Antonym analytical superficial “Larry p. 108” adjective Representation Sentence

22 debacle A complete collapse or failure fiasco wonder Synonym
Definition A complete collapse or failure fiasco Antonym wonder debacle “Larry p. 112” noun Representation Sentence

23 discombobulated Disoriented mentally confused composed Synonym
Definition Disoriented mentally confused Antonym composed discombobulated “Larry p. 141” adjective Representation Sentence

24 insatiable When a need or desire is unable to be met ravenous
Synonym Definition When a need or desire is unable to be met ravenous Antonym fulfilled insatiable “Larry p. 204” adjective Representation Sentence

25 dissipated dispersed To become scattered accumulated Synonym
Definition dispersed To become scattered Antonym accumulated dissipated “Larry p. 205” verb Representation Sentence

26 unfathomable incomprehensible Difficult or impossible to understand
Synonym Definition incomprehensible Difficult or impossible to understand Antonym plausible unfathomable The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

27 roguishly rascally In a playfully mischievous manner sweetly Synonym
Definition rascally In a playfully mischievous manner Antonym sweetly roguishly The Outsiders adverb Representation Sentence

28 incredulous skeptical Expressive of disbelief gullible Synonym
Definition skeptical Expressive of disbelief Antonym gullible incredulous The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

29 gallant chivalrous Courteous and noble Yellow-bellied Synonym
Definition chivalrous Courteous and noble Antonym Yellow-bellied gallant The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

30 nonchalantly cooly In an unconcerned manner concernedly Synonym
Definition cooly In an unconcerned manner Antonym concernedly nonchalantly The Outsiders adverb Representation Sentence

31 bleak dim Gloomy and somber hopeful Synonym Definition Antonym
The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

32 ruefully remorsefully Done with regret unrepentantly Synonym
Definition remorsefully Done with regret Antonym unrepentantly ruefully The Outsiders adverb Representation Sentence

33 sullenly sourly Glumly; in a sulking manner happily Synonym Definition
Antonym happily sullenly The Outsiders adverb Representation Sentence

34 indignant incensed Angered at something unjust or wrong pleased
Synonym Definition incensed Angered at something unjust or wrong Antonym pleased indignant The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

35 aghast shocked Struck by shock, terror, or amazement fearless Synonym
Definition shocked Struck by shock, terror, or amazement Antonym fearless aghast The Outsiders adjective Representation Sentence

36 Synonym Definition To be unsteady in purpose or speech, as from loss of courage or confidence bumble Antonym falter The Outsiders verb Representation Sentence

37 fritter To waste on unimportant things squander save Synonym
Definition To waste on unimportant things squander Antonym save fritter “Time” verb Representation Sentence

38 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition encourage To urge by strong, often stirring argument, advice, or appeal Antonym dissuade exhorting “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” verb Representation Sentence

39 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition sly secretive Antonym open Furtive “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adjective Representation Sentence

40 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition scorn criticism Antonym praise reproach “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” Noun/verb Representation Sentence

41 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition aghast Struck with worry or distress Antonym confident dismayed “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adjective Representation Sentence

42 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition fatigued Physically or mentally exhausted by hard work Antonym energetic wearily/weary “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adv/adj Representation Sentence

43 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition Dignified or serious Quiet and sacred Antonym frivolous solemnly/solemn “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adv/adj Representation Sentence

44 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition diminish To weaken Antonym strengthen enfeeble “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” verb Representation Sentence

45 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition mocking Sarcastic; or an expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance Antonym straightforward wry “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adjective Representation Sentence

46 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition colorless dull Antonym vivid drab “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adjective Representation Sentence

47 “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
Synonym Definition masterful skilled Antonym incompetent adept “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” adjective Representation Sentence

48 “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”
Synonym Definition To speak or write with wild enthusiasm roar Antonym whisper rave “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” verb Representation Sentence

49 Interminable/ly Constantly; infinite Endlessly; never seeming to stop
Synonym Definition Constantly; infinite Endlessly; never seeming to stop Antonym limited Interminable/ly “The Lottery” Adjective/adverb Representation Sentence

50 Petulant/ly irritable
Synonym Definition irritable In an ill-tempered or impatient way; easily annoyed Antonym patient Petulant/ly “The Lottery” Adjective/adverb Representation Sentence

51 consolidated centralized United into one system or whole separated
Synonym Definition centralized United into one system or whole Antonym separated consolidated “I Go Along” Adjective Representation Sentence

52 Scrupulous(ly) exact Specifically careful and precise loose Synonym
Definition exact Specifically careful and precise Antonym loose Scrupulous(ly) “Miss Awful” Adjective/Adverb Representation Sentence

53 Synonym Definition amusing extravagant, fanciful,  or excessively playful expression Antonym serious Whimsical “Miss Awful” Adjective Representation Sentence

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