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Presentation on theme: "Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration

2 To enter Into an area, eg. a country
I’m glad to enter America!

3 People Immigrated into two places.
Circle the more popular one?

4 Angel Island San Francisco, CA Ellis Island New York City, New York Primarily European Immigrants (South Eastern Europe) Primarily Chinese and Japanese Immigrants Both were places people were inspected to check for disease and other health concerns Immigrants could be sent back if those health concerns/diseases were serious enough

5 Emigrate

6 To leave, or EXIT an area, eg. a country
Bye Europe!

7 Why did people come to America
He wants to HEAR your reasons you came to America!

8 Hope for better opportunities
Escape oppressive governments Adventure! Religious freedom Jobs (industry – not farming)

9 What is the wave of Immigrants that we are currently studying?
I SEE them coming, but from mostly where?

10 3rd Wave South Eastern Europe

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