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Future patient with NPH with 19 years of earlier imaging showing ventriculomegaly before symptoms of NPH. A, CT scan from 19 years earlier obtained for.

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1 Future patient with NPH with 19 years of earlier imaging showing ventriculomegaly before symptoms of NPH. A, CT scan from 19 years earlier obtained for suspected giant cell arteritis shows mild ventriculomegaly. Future patient with NPH with 19 years of earlier imaging showing ventriculomegaly before symptoms of NPH. A, CT scan from 19 years earlier obtained for suspected giant cell arteritis shows mild ventriculomegaly. He was 67 years of age at this point and was walking 20 miles per day. B, At age 70, he clearly has ventriculomegaly but no symptoms of NPH. C–E, Now at 76 years of age, MR imaging shows ventriculomegaly, DWMI, and an aqueductal CSF flow void. He will not develop symptoms of NPH for another 10 years. Reprinted with permission from Bradley et al.20 Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. W.G. Bradley, Jr AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2015;36: ©2015 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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