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Marine Biology A viable career choice?.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Biology A viable career choice?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Biology A viable career choice?

2 Marine Biology A fun career?

3 Marine Biology Can you make a difference?

4 Marine Biology Is it possible?

5 Questions? 1) Fish and macroinvertebrates met FDA limits, but not OEHHA limits for DDT and PCB. 2) FDA limit of 5.0 ppm for DDT and 1.0 ppm for PCB. 3) OEHHA limit of 100 ppb (0.1 ppm) for DDT and PCB. 4) Metals in muscle tissue: As, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn. 5) Health risk of accumulated metals in crab muscle not known. 6) Spatial issue not really addressed: can’t collect enough crabs at reference site, and don’t have reference site for sportfish; also, don’t collect same species of fish at all sites. Rig-fish ZID: 3 species (3 individuals/species) Shortbank: 3 species (6 individuals/species) Crabs Pt. Dume, C7, and Z2: 3 composites (3 individuals/composite)

6 City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Sanitation
Environmental Monitoring Division

7 Marine Biology in LA??? Why?

8 1972 Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Presenter to note that both SMB and LAH programs are mandated through the NPDES system

9 This illustrates the two major locations of the treatment plants and sampling programs


11 Ocean Monitoring Programs
Microbiology Water Quality Benthic Sampling Trawls Tissue Chemistry Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Ocean Plan water quality criteria met consistently HTP effluent plumes typically is submerged offshore HTP plume has never been detected in shoreline recreational areas HTP plume is not always detected

12 Microbiological Sampling Objectives
Shoreline Does the effluent reach the shore? Are bacterial concentrations sufficiently low to ensure public safety? Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Water quality is monitoring the water column Benthic infauna is samping the sediment (bottom mud) and assessing the health of the small organisms therein Trawled fish and inverts is sampling the larger invertebrates anddemersal (define) fish that live on top, in close association, with the sediment Bioaccumulation is conducted to study both ecological and human consumption issues

13 Shoreline Results and Conclusions
Effluent does not encroach into shoreline recreational areas High shoreline bacterial concentrations are associated with land-based runoff 1) After more than a decade of extensive monitoring, the conclusion is that HTP effluent does not encroach into shoreline recreational areas. 2) Land-based runoff include the following: A) Storm drains B) Streams (I.e., Malibu and Ballona) C) Rain runoff (e.g., streets, parking lots, rooftops, etc.) D) Sewage spills

14 Microbiological Sampling Objectives
Nearshore Are bacterial densities sufficiently low to ensure public safety? Initial strategy for the question “Does effluent encroach into nearshore recreational waters?” Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Water quality is monitoring the water column Benthic infauna is samping the sediment (bottom mud) and assessing the health of the small organisms therein Trawled fish and inverts is sampling the larger invertebrates anddemersal (define) fish that live on top, in close association, with the sediment Bioaccumulation is conducted to study both ecological and human consumption issues

15 Nearshore Results and Conclusions
Effluent does not encroach into nearshore recreational areas Bacterial densities consistently meet standards at levels that ensure public safety 1) Totals generally below 100/100ml; fecals and totals are below single digit counts. 2) All three high in front of Ballona Creek. 3) Occasional exceedances of bacterial counts occurred primarily during wet weather.

16 Water Quality Objectives
Where does the plume go? Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Ocean Plan water quality criteria met consistently HTP effluent plumes typically is submerged offshore HTP plume has never been detected in shoreline recreational areas HTP plume is not always detected

17 Plume Configuration

18 Benthic Sampling Objectives
Are biological communities impaired? If so, to what extent and degree? Is there change over time? Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Water quality is monitoring the water column Benthic infauna is samping the sediment (bottom mud) and assessing the health of the small organisms therein Trawled fish and inverts is sampling the larger invertebrates anddemersal (define) fish that live on top, in close association, with the sediment Bioaccumulation is conducted to study both ecological and human consumption issues

19 Benthic Sampling 0.1 m2 Van Veen grab sampler
Explain mechanics of how sampler works

20 Benthic Sampling Infaunal sample processing
Explain how an infaunal sample is processed

21 Benthic Samples Chemistry sample processing
Explain how and why sediment samples are collected and that chemist helps by processing samples for H2S analysis w/pore water press

22 Sediment Monitoring Results and Conclusions
Macrofaunal communities are altered near the outfall Extent and degree of impact has decreased over time 1) Grain size in Bay is heterogeneous, comprising varying levels of sand and silt. Silt predominates in northwestern part of Bay; muddy sand in central and southern portion of the Bay; sands and gravel inshore and around Shortbank. 2) Sediments on Malibu shelf are least contaminated. 3) Silver, cadmium, copper, and mercury were more prevalent around the 5-mile outfall and significantly higher (2X-10X) higher at the 7-Mile outfall. 4) Arsenic and beryllium were more widespread in their distribution. 5) PCB and DDT concentrations were similar or lower at 5-Mile outfall compared to average concentration in Bay. 6) PCB’s tended to concentrate in sediments around the 7-Mile outfall. 7) DDT was most concentrated in sediments located in the southern portion of the Bay. 8) Some metal concentrations have decreased slightly at the 5-Mile and 7-Mile, but Bay-wide concentrations have remained about the same due to other sources of contamination.

23 Trawl Monitoring Objectives
Does the effluent impact the demersal fish and invertebrates? If so, to what extent and degree? Is there change over time? Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Water quality is monitoring the water column Benthic infauna is samping the sediment (bottom mud) and assessing the health of the small organisms therein Trawled fish and inverts is sampling the larger invertebrates anddemersal (define) fish that live on top, in close association, with the sediment Bioaccumulation is conducted to study both ecological and human consumption issues

24 Trawling Clean net (from previous trawl) Tie cod end
Stack for deployment

25 Trawl Processing

26 Trawl Results and Conclusions
Demersal fish and invertebrate communities are altered near the outfall Extent and degree of impact have decreased over time 1) 2 reps at 60-m stations Z2, C1, C3, C6, and C9a 2) 1 rep at A1, A3, Z3, D1 3) Trawled community is adversely impacted by outfall 4) Geographic dimensions of footprint not well known 5) Impact has been shown to have changed since the improvement in treatment at HTP. As mass emission decreased markedly in 1986, trawled community impact changed.

27 Tissue Chemistry Objectives
Are there ecological health concerns? Are body burden levels higher near the outfall? Are body burden levels changing over time? Presenter to describe what each of these categories to mean: Water quality is monitoring the water column Benthic infauna is samping the sediment (bottom mud) and assessing the health of the small organisms therein Trawled fish and inverts is sampling the larger invertebrates anddemersal (define) fish that live on top, in close association, with the sediment Bioaccumulation is conducted to study both ecological and human consumption issues

28 Tissue Chemistry - Rig Fish

29 Tissue Chemistry - Crab Traps
5-Mile, Short Bank, and Pt Dume are sampled, Cancer crabs are collected, a single cheliped is taken (the crab is returned alive), frozen, and then dissected in the lab for organic and inorganic analyses.

30 Human Health Concerns Results and Conclusions
FDA limits met Fish can accumulate certain organic compounds, but not metals Crabs accumulate metals, but not chlorinated hydrocarbons No clear trends 1) Fish and macroinvertebrates met FDA limits, but not OEHHA limits for DDT and PCB. 2) FDA limit of 5.0 ppm for DDT and 1.0 ppm for PCB. 3) OEHHA limit of 100 ppb (0.1 ppm) for DDT and PCB. 4) Metals in muscle tissue: As, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn. 5) Health risk of accumulated metals in crab muscle not known. 6) Spatial issue not really addressed: can’t collect enough crabs at reference site, and don’t have reference site for sportfish; also, don’t collect same species of fish at all sites. Rig-fish ZID: 3 species (3 individuals/species) Shortbank: 3 species (6 individuals/species) Crabs Pt. Dume, C7, and Z2: 3 composites (3 individuals/composite)

31 Back in the Laboratory Identification Data assessment Reporting
1) Fish and macroinvertebrates met FDA limits, but not OEHHA limits for DDT and PCB. 2) FDA limit of 5.0 ppm for DDT and 1.0 ppm for PCB. 3) OEHHA limit of 100 ppb (0.1 ppm) for DDT and PCB. 4) Metals in muscle tissue: As, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn. 5) Health risk of accumulated metals in crab muscle not known. 6) Spatial issue not really addressed: can’t collect enough crabs at reference site, and don’t have reference site for sportfish; also, don’t collect same species of fish at all sites. Rig-fish ZID: 3 species (3 individuals/species) Shortbank: 3 species (6 individuals/species) Crabs Pt. Dume, C7, and Z2: 3 composites (3 individuals/composite)

32 Identification

33 Scope Work  Data Analysis
1) Fish and macroinvertebrates met FDA limits, but not OEHHA limits for DDT and PCB. 2) FDA limit of 5.0 ppm for DDT and 1.0 ppm for PCB. 3) OEHHA limit of 100 ppb (0.1 ppm) for DDT and PCB. 4) Metals in muscle tissue: As, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn. 5) Health risk of accumulated metals in crab muscle not known. 6) Spatial issue not really addressed: can’t collect enough crabs at reference site, and don’t have reference site for sportfish; also, don’t collect same species of fish at all sites. Rig-fish ZID: 3 species (3 individuals/species) Shortbank: 3 species (6 individuals/species) Crabs Pt. Dume, C7, and Z2: 3 composites (3 individuals/composite)


35 Benthic Infauna Tree length 2846 CI =

36 Benthic Infauna

37 Benthic Infauna

38 Benthic Infauna

39 Benthic Infauna

40 Benthic Infauna

41 Benthic Infauna

42 Benthic Infauna

43 Backscatter CI = Consistency Indexa measure of fit of the data to the resulting topology of the cladogram, ranging from 0 to 1, with 1.0 being best. Calculated by dividing the minimum possible number of character changes by the actual number of changes. Finest sediment, having greatest amount of mud best fit: > All together 0.188



46 Who becomes a Marine Biologist?

47 What university to attend?

48 Where do you get a job?

49 What will you do?

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