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Business law workshop B Com Mkt/hrm April 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Business law workshop B Com Mkt/hrm April 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business law workshop B Com Mkt/hrm April 2019

2 Introduction Lecturer/Facilitator Andrew Tucker B Com LLB, Attorney of the High Court of South Africa Contact details:

3 Course overview Introduction to business law Law of contract
Law of sale Law of lease Law of insurance Labour law

4 Resources

5 Books Fouché, M.A. (et al). Legal Principles of Contracts and Commercial Law, Revised 6th edition, 2007, Lexis Nexis Havenga, P (et al). General Principles of Commercial Law, 6th edition, 2007, Juta Kopel, S Guide to Business Law, 4th edition, 2009 or 5th edition, 2012, Oxford University Press Gibson, JTR. South African Mercantile and Company Law, 8th Edition, 2003, Juta. Scott J (et al) The Law of Commerce in South Africa, 2009, Oxford University Press.

6 resources

7 Introduction to law The three branches of government Origins of SA law
Natural persons and legal persons Sources of law

8 Sources of SA law Contitution Legislation Judicial precedent
Common law Customary law

9 Real and personal rights
Real rights (eg: ownership) Personal rights (eg: contractual) Object of a real right is a corporeal Absolute, right of hot pursuit Do not lapse on death of holder Flow from juristic acts such as transfer or cession Enforceable against all Object is personal security, bodily integrity or freedom Not absolute – only enforceable against specific persons Lapse on death of holder Flow from contract or delict

10 What is a contract – general discussion
All contracts are agreements but not all agreements are contracts

11 Requirements of a contract
Lawfulness Contractual capacity Consensus Serious intention Communication of intention Certainty Parties of same mind Possibility of performance Formalities Requirements of a contract

12 Some concepts Offer and acceptance – pages 26-27 Mistake – pages 27-28
Misrepresentation – page 28-29 Duress – page 29-30 Undue influence – pages 31

13 Contractual capacity Age Marriage Intoxication Prodigals Insolvency

14 Suspensive and resolutive conditions
Suspensive condition – suspends contract pending occurrence of something Resolutive condition – contract will end if something happens

15 Positive malperformance
Types of breach Mora debitoris Mora creditoris Repudiation Positive malperformance Prevention of performance

16 Remedies for breach Specific performance – when will court grant?
Cancellation – when can you cancel? Damages – only patrimonial and duty to mitigate Interdict

17 Termination of the contract
See pages 40-43 What is prescription?

18 Law of sale Essentials Agreement to deliver a certain thing at a specific price Effect of the CPA Requirements for transfer of ownership – page 49 Delivery

19 Forms of constructive delivery
Symbolic delivery Delivery with the long hand Delivery with the short hand Constitutium possesorium (transfer of possession) Attornment Forms of constructive delivery

20 The transfer of risk What is risk?
Risk passes as soon as the sale is perfecta When is the sale perfecta?

21 The common law warranties
Warranty against eviction Warranty against latent defects The common law warranties

22 The law of lease Use and enjoyment of the property Duration Rent

23 Duties of the lessor and lessee
To deliver the property To maintain the property Undisturbed use To pay the rent Proper use of the property To care for the property To vacate and restore the property

24 Termination of the lease
When does the lease terminate? The concept of huur gaat voor koop

25 Insurance law Indemnity & non-indemnity insurance
The concept of insurable interest Promissory & affirmative warranties Ubermae fides Subrogation

26 Labour law The concept of an employee and an independent contractor
Why is it important to be able to tell the difference? The various factors creating a presumption of employment The tests applied by the courts

27 Duties of the employer To accept the employee into service
To provide the employee with work (if necessary) To pay the agreed wage To provide safe working conditions To comply with legislation

28 Duties of the employee To make services available personally
To obey lawful commands To warrant competence and efficiency To be subordinate to the employer To refrain from misconduct To act in good faith Duties of the employee

29 dismissal The three grounds Misconduct Incapacity
Operational requirements Procedural & substantive fairness Automatically unfair dismissals

30 legislation BCEA LRA EEA

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