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Introduction Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain. About 4 million people in the United States have it. It is predicted that 1 in 85 people.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain. About 4 million people in the United States have it. It is predicted that 1 in 85 people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain. About 4 million people in the United States have it. It is predicted that 1 in 85 people globally will be affected by Alzheimer’s in There were 26.6 million people who suffered Alzheimer’s worldwide. The average lifetime cost for caring for Alzheimer’s is estimated at $174,000 .

2 Definition or Origin Definition/Origin The definition of Alzheimer’s is a disease causing degeneration to the brain cells. The word of origin comes from Dr. Alois Alzheimer , the abbreviation of Alzheimer is AD (Alzheimer’s Disease ). Definition

3 History of the Disease History of the disease Ad or Alzheimer’s was first known as a prehensile dementia and was thought to be a very rare disorder. Alzheimer’s is now considered as a very dangerous disease. In 1906 a German physician , Dr. Alois Alzheimer identified the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. As you get old normal memory loss occurs. It becomes more and more harmful. Alzheimer’s is now considered as a very dangerous disease. History

4 Impact of the Environment
Therefore knowing the environmental factors that can affect you from getting this disease are important. The environmental factors are ; cholesterol, fat, viral viruses, and inflammation which means infections. Other factors are diet, aluminum and neurological damage. Having AD affects and you and your family. Impact by the environment Environmental Factors

5 Demographics Definition/rigin People who are most likely to get affected by Alzheimer’s are of age 65 and, almost 50% of those over 85 have the disease. Woman are more likely to develop the disease than men. Family history , and high blood cholesterol are risk factors. Also many aluminum in the brains might lead to a disorder . Causes/Transmission Demographics

6 Causes/Transmission Symptoms/Diagnosis Alzheimer’s is caused by the brain cells and the neurons that were out. Age, family history, head injuries, gender, and heart disease could be a factor of Alzheimer’s being caused. It is also caused by a combination of several genetics and environmental factors. Causes

7 Symptoms/Diagnosis Symptoms that generate Alzheimer’s is a memory loss, they lose mental functions. They get confused, disoriented and they got lost. They lose the ability to talk meaningful, care for them selves, and constant care. After they are diagnose with Alzheimer’s years later they die from the disease. They have a tendency of forgetting family names conversations, and recent events. Demographics Symptoms

8 Treatment The treatment needed to slow the progression calls for 3 different types of medicine. It is in a group called (cholinesterase inhibitors). The medicine causes vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps and sleep distractions. Tx

9 Prevention Prevention To prevent Alzheimer's you should keep a normal blood pressure, reduce the intake of acid like linoleic found in butter and dairy products. You should keep a substantial low fat diet, and eat fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel. You should also stay mentally and socially active. Prevention

10 In the future scientists should discover a new test to diagnose Alzheimer disease sooner. Meaning that they should find a way to test the patient while they are alive, because they only have a test that scans the brain tissues in your brain when you are dead. Dr. Alois Alzheimer had a patient that died and he tested his brains and found twisted bands of fiber, which supposed to be connected to each other, not all twisted up. Research/Future Future Research/Future

11 Conclusion Without your memory the quality of life does not remain the same. In reality, everyone’s memory will deteriorate some what as they get old. We hope that more people could be aware of the environmental factors that will prevent the deteriorating diseases of Alzheimer’s.


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