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Personnel Levels in a Typical CPA Firm

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1 Personnel Levels in a Typical CPA Firm
Dr. Donald K. McConnell Jr. The University of Texas at Arlington 7/2/2019

2 Typical Personnel Levels
Partners [also principals] Management group Senior managers Managers Senior group Supervising seniors Seniors Staff auditors Staff accountants Assistant accountants [A horse by any other name is still a horse] 7/2/2019

3 Partners and Principals
Have final responsibility for the audit engagement Sign the firm’s name on the audit report In some foreign countries, partners sign their names, not the firm name, on audit report Have final responsibility for all audit work product; however, characteristically review work papers [audit documentation] in areas of greatest audit risk Average annual earnings for a big four partner How do you become a partner? 7/2/2019

4 What Differentiates Principals from Partners?
Traditionally, principals were non CPAs, but “essentially” partner equivalents More recently, persons seeking a better work-life balance Typically principals: Have fewer client responsibilities May work seasonally, or only “x” days a week Earn less than partners Don’t have to put up capital, as partners must* Don’t get to vote at partner meetings 7/2/2019

5 Management Group Senior managers and managers
Not on site day-to-day during fieldwork, as seniors and staff are Fieldwork is that period when the audit team is physically on client premises conducting the audit Management group functions: Review work papers, after senior level review Typically only on site when client “issues” arise, e.g. audit or accounting problems, or client wants “face time” Preening to become partners Do client billings, follow up with late payers, additional billings for over runs Often on phone 25% of a work day! 7/2/2019

6 Senior Group Supervising seniors: New seniors:
A more experienced senior May be senioring [in charge of] multiple audits simultaneously More likely to senior SEC audits New seniors: Usually run only one job, probably a small client This is when you truly learn how to audit! Rather than doing parts of the audit You oversee entire audit process Experienced staff may senior small audits 7/2/2019

7 Senior Group Responsibilities
In charge of audit fieldwork Great when you become a senior: your boss is no longer standing over you day-to-day! Plans the audit, with manager and partner approval Prepares audit program, based on control risk assessment Delegates sections of the audit for staff auditors to do Reviews work of subordinates Senior retention issues… First big job you senior can be frustrating: What did I do today!? [Not generating many w/p’s anymore!] 7/2/2019

8 Staff Auditors Staff accountants Assistant accountant is entry-level
Have been through a “busy” season Usually promoted from assistant accountant after nine months to a year and a half “Fast-track” staff accountants often senior a very small or branch audit in as few as nine months from hiring Audit tougher areas than assistants Assistant accountant is entry-level Accept that you are going to occasionally feel lost [even stupid], in the first six months It’s just part of the learning process, and everyone goes through it! 7/2/2019

9 Staff Auditor Responsibilities
Testing of controls at interim, SOX controls compliance testing Substantive audit testing of, e.g.: Fixed assets Inventories Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Cash 7/2/2019

10 Other Issues Note there is a work paper [audit documentation] review hierarchy To satisfy 1st std of field work Work adequately planned Assts, if any, properly supervised Seniors review w/p’s and write review notes to be cleared, then manager does so, followed by partner Cold partner (concurring partner) review Partner or senior manager who understands the industry also reviews! Purpose: are the Fin. Stmts. fairly presented in conformity with GAAP? Req’d for audits of SEC clients, if CPA firm is member of SECPS of AICPA Many firms have for all audits 7/2/2019

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