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Vectors Page 37.

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Presentation on theme: "Vectors Page 37."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vectors Page 37

2 What is a vector? Direction and magnitude
Direction - course of movement Magnitude - size or extent of something

3 Velocity The speed of something in a given direction Speed + direction

4 Weight Weight = Mass * Fgravity

5 How to: Vectors Dot shows where the force begins
Length of the arrow shows the amount of force Arrow shows the direction of the force

6 Vectors Practice: 7N

7 Vectors Practice: 7N Place the dot

8 Vectors Practice: 7N Place the dot
Draw a line from the dot that is seven squares in length

9 Vectors Practice: 7N Place the dot
Draw a line from the dot that is seven squares in length

10 Vectors Practice: 5N

11 Vectors Practice: 5N Place a dot

12 Vectors Practice: 5N Place a dot
Draw a line that is 5 squares in length

13 Vectors Practice: 5N Place a dot
Draw a line that is 5 squares in length Add the arrow

14 Complete # on your own Page 36

15 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right

16 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right

17 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right
6. F = 7N, up

18 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right
6. F = 7N, up 7. F = 7.5N, right

19 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right
6. F = 7N, up 7. F = 7.5N, right 8. F = 4.5N, left

20 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right
6. F = 7N, up 7. F = 7.5N, right 8. F = 4.5N, left 9. F = 3N, down

21 Check your answers 1. F = 4N, right 2. F = 7N, down 3. F = 2.5N, right
6. F = 7N, up 7. F = 7.5N, right 8. F = 4.5N, left 9. F = 3N, down 10. F = 5.5N, up

22 Resultant Vectors Calculate the net force first
Then draw the resultant vector

23 Resultant Vector Example: #1
2 total forces 4N to the right 10N to the right Fnet = 4N + 10N = 14N, right Resultant vector - 14N, right Movement? Right

24 On your own… Page 34

25 Check your answers: #2 2 forces 8N right 13N right
Fnet = 8N + 13N = 21N Resultant = 21N Movement? Right

26 Check your answers: #3 2 forces 11N left 9N right Fnet = 11N-9N, left
Resultant = 2N Movement? Left

27 Check your answers: #4 2 forces 6N up 6N down Fnet = 6N - 6N = 0N
Resultant = 0N Movement? None

28 Check your answers: #5 3 forces 2N up 5N up 5N down 2N + 5N = 7N
Fnet = 7N - 5N = 2N Resultant = 2N Movement? Up

29 Check your answers: #6 2 forces 5N down 6N down Fnet = 5N + 6N = 11N
Resultant = 11N Movement? Down

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