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William eggleston Dan fudge.

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Presentation on theme: "William eggleston Dan fudge."— Presentation transcript:

1 William eggleston Dan fudge

2 Early Life Born July 27th, 1939, in Memphis Tennessee
Raised in a wealthy family on a cotton plantation of the Mississippi Delta Would use his hometown and the greater South as inspiration for much of his work Became famous for showcasing the American Experience

3 Foray into photography
Obtained his first camera in 1957 Cannon Rangefinder After discovering photography he abandoned traditional education at Vanderbilt University, and learned from photographically illustrated books. Walker Evans   Henri Cartier-Bresson Robert Frank

4 Robert Frank

5 Walker Evans

6 Henri Cartier-Bresson

7 Other influences & Contemporaries
John Szarkowski Director of the Department of Photography, MoMa Credited with elevating Eggleston’s work in color photography to the status of “fine art” Also contributed to the success of Lee Friedlander, Diane Arbus, and Gary Winogrand Tom Young Painter and mentor of Eggleston who told him to take photographs of the things around him, even or especially the things he hates. “Unlike most of their predecessors, whose color work has been either formless or too pretty, a new generation of young photographers has begun to use color in a confident spirit of freedom and naturalness.” – Excerpt from the MoMa Exhibit press release

8 Emergence of color photography in the art world
The 60’s and 70’s saw the widespread use of snapshot photography in the average American household At this time, pop-art and photo-realism also gained popularity Eggleston and his contemporaries used the “literalness of color photography, and the ubiquity of color snapshots as a reference point of their work” The New York Times called Eggleston’s 1976 debut “The most hated show of the year”

9 Key Elements Photographed “democratically”
Gave photographic equality to even the most banal of objects Photographing the mundane gave a heightened sense of interest to his use of color Primarily used dye transfer process  involves transferring dyes (cyan, magenta, and yellow) in succession and in careful registration onto a sheet of gelatin-coated paper Yields pure and intense color Very expensive and innovative for this time period.

10 14 Pictures 1974




14 Troubled waters 1980




18 Southern Suite 1981


20 William Eggleston’s Guide






26 Works cited Almereyda, Michael. "William Eggleston: For Now". The Paris Review. N. p., Web. 24 Oct Bussard, Katherine A and Lisa Hostetler. Color Rush. Aperture, 2013,. "John Szarkowski | Moma". The Museum of Modern Art. N. p., Web. 12 Oct The Museum of Modern Art,. Color Photographs By William Eggleston Web. 12 Oct "William Eggleston (American, Born 1939) (Getty Museum)". The J. Paul Getty in Los Angeles. N. p., Web. 12 Oct "William Eggleston - Artists - Cheim Read". N. p., Web. 12 Oct “William Eggleston". N.p., Web. 12 Oct

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