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Instructions and Information

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1 Instructions and Information
Columbus Day Essay: Instructions and Information

2 Your Instructions: Create an essay about why or why not we should celebrate Columbus Day. Your paper should be at least 1-2 pages long and include an introduction and conclusion. Introduction should include a thesis statement listing the three reason in support of your stance on the issue. Each reason should be supported by at least 2 historical facts. See rubric for more information. Assignment due on friday, September 30 Assignment should be uploaded to Moodle by 10:00 pm. (You will type it on a word program and upload the file!)

3 Introduction Paragraph:
Should have some kind of hook. A quote Interesting fact Should include three points to be discussed. (Thesis Statement)

4 Body of Paper 3 paragraphs long explaining each of your thesis points
Each thesis point should be backed by 2 historic facts

5 Conclusion Wrap up your belief about Columbus Day

6 Here is where you will click to see rubric
Here is where you will click to upload

7 ` Click on the browse button and find your document. Then click upload!

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