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Au- Disaster! Sm – Invasion! Sp- Historical context: The Vikings

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Presentation on theme: "Au- Disaster! Sm – Invasion! Sp- Historical context: The Vikings"— Presentation transcript:

1 Au- Disaster! Sm – Invasion! Sp- Historical context: The Vikings
Historical context: Ancient Greece & Victorians (Literacy) Sm – Invasion! Sp- Au- Disaster! Electricity Sound The Great, The Bold and The Brave Living things and their habitats. States of Matter I can carry out a survey to discover features of cities and villages. Animals including Humans I can plan a journey to a place in England. I can place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time. I can find the same place on a globe and in an atlas. I can describe the main features of a well-known city. I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades. I can explain why people are attracted to live in cities. I can accurately measure and collect information (e.g. rainfall, temperature, wind speed, noise levels etc.). I can explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to the human features. I can identify similarities and differences between given periods in I can give more than one reason to support a historical argument. . I can use appropriate symbols to represent different physical features on a map. I know the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and the UK. I can name the countries that make up the European Union. I can research an environmental issue and give my point of view. I can communicate my knowledge and understanding orally and through my writing and offer my point of view based upon what I have found out. I can name the countries that make up the European Union. I can locate the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. I can name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map. I can describe the main features of a village. I can plot recent history on a timeline using centuries. I can locate and name some of the main islands that surround the UK. I can label the same features of an aerial photograph as on a map. I can explain how the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people. I can name areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK and in my school. I can describe the main physical differences between cities and villages. I understand that wars have happened for many years and are often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences. I can research what it was like for a child within a given period and I can use photographs and illustrations to present my findings. I can explain why people may choose to live in a village rather than a city. I can suggest different ways a locality could be changed and improved. I understand how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build an accurate picture of how people lived in the past. I can research two versions of an event and say how they differ. I can describe how an earthquake is created. A local history study I can explain how people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours. Ancient Greece – A study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. I can explain how events from the past have helped shape our lives. The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor.

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