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1 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
________________________________________ Milica Pesic / Executive Director Ignorance is the disability Communicating Disability Rights, EESC, June 28, 2019, Brussels / Tel:

2 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
Start here Freedom of Expression Right to Information International docs & industry needs Work with multi-stakeholders: State, CSO, Media academia, the Parliament / Tel:

3 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
Diversity, Inclusion What makes OTHERS different from YOU/ME: qualities that make an individual or group of individuals distinct or unique. Race, ethnicity, gender, physical / mental abilities, religious beliefs, refugees, income, educational background, sexual orientation… / Tel:

4 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
The role of the Media Do good journalism - Inclusion no bubbles/ghettoes/ echo chambers Ignorance is the disability Deal with myths UK: 13.3m disabled people in Britain today (1 in 5) Spending power of £80bn 2014 research: 67% of Brits uncomfortable with disability; 24% avoid talking to someone with a disability entirely / Tel:

5 / Tel: +44 20 7255
Tips for Journalists *Make sure to actually talk to them *Do not cover disabled people only in the context of their disabilities *Be careful with language *The access *Explore how PwD are forming groups *Make sure you know what you are talking about *Empathising, pitying, patronising *Look for them & you’ll find them *Challenge stereotypes & prejudices / Tel:

6 Inclusive, Interactive Training
/ Tel:

7 Multi-stakeholders Approach
Disability: A matter of Perception Media Actors, CSOs, Educators, Policy Makers The launch Production Appealing stories Creative Campaigns (Birds; Plays (Cinderella) MIL / Tel:

8 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
Who else? ‘Fastest-Growing Language’ Include World’s Largest Minority. Over 300 new emojis (Apple) / Tel:

9 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
Remember! Cultural differences Everyone has prejudice / Tel:

10 / Tel: +44 20 7255 2473
________________________________________ Milica Pesic / Executive Director Ignorance is the disability Communicating Disability Rights, EESC, June 28, 2019, Brussels / Tel:

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