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Burning Tree ES Future Week 2019.

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1 Burning Tree ES Future Week 2019

2 Future Week Deets During the week of April 23 – 26, 2019, we will be celebrating our 1st Future Awareness Week. We hope that this week will provide our students with the understanding that preparing for careers and college begins now by forming good work habits and learning to set goals. We want to get the students excited about thinking ahead and long term goals. We will have a variety of future planning awareness activities throughout the week, as we promote career and college awareness. Listed below are some of the special themed activities we have planned:

3 Daily Themes Tuesday, April 23, 2019: “Dress for Success”- Students and staff are encouraged to wear career themed attire matching a job they want in the future. Students will have opportunities to have their Career attire. Wednesday, April 24, 2019: College Suits me to a T!”- Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite college T-shirt to school. Thursday, April 25, 2019: “College makes your Future Bright”- Students are encouraged to wear sunglasses. Friday, April 26, 2019: Your Path to Careers and Colleges begins with Burning Tree ES Spirit!”- Students and staff are asked to wear Burning Tree spirit wear and/or colors to demonstrate that they believe the path to college begins at Burning Tree Elementary School.

4 Career Dress for success Day

5 Career Dress for success Day

6 College suits me to a T Day

7 College makes your Future IS Bright

8 Path to college and careers begins with Burning Tree ES

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