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Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –

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1 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Agenda Thursday, August 30th 13:00 – 13:30 General issues 13:30 – 15:00 Groundwater Watch List concept & methodology paper, version 10.9 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 – 17:30 Results Column II and Column III assessments 17:30 – 18:00 Other open questions – way forward 19:30 Informal get together in the evening, dinner La brasserie Le Régalia Friday, August 31st 08:30 -09:45 Substances for the List facilitating Annex I/II process and the Watch List – Metadata? – Data Management 10:00 – 10:30 Ongoing Work (GeoWRA, Norman etc.) 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 13:00 Substances for next studies, time table, Vienna

2 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 13:30 – 13:45 Welcome address and general issues (Elisa Vargas, Benjamin Lopez) 13:45 – 15:00 Groundwater Watch List Concept Paper Wrap-up of progress made since last meeting in Brussels (Rüdiger Wolter/Ronald Kozel) Figure 3.1 “Structure of the Groundwater  Watch List (GWWL) process” was modified 3.5 Procedure to select substances for the Groundwater Watch List process (new) 3.6 Procedure to select substances for the List facilitating Annex I and II (new) 3.7 Deselection of substances from the Groundwater Watch List process (new) Several modifications in Chapters 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 that refer to Chapters 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 The general timeline of GWWL process was integrated

3 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Outcomes from Bern meeting concerning GWWL In Bern draft 10.8 of the Watch List Concept was presented and discussed. MS were asked to comment the Concept until the 11th May 2018 There were no comments from MS or other organisations Draft 10.8 was accepted by MS Overview about the actual state of the GWWL concept & methodology paper (version 10.9) Comments from Ralf Eppinger and CONCAWE could not taken into account preparing Draft After the Bern-meeting these comments were addressed and integrated in Draft 10.9. Additional remarks and reply - Feedbacks from the group of volunteers Open Questions / discussion 15:00 – 15:30 Break

4 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 15:30 – 18:00 Groundwater Watch List Concept Paper - Continued Results of Column II and Column III assessment (Benjamin Lopez). Detailed discussion of all steps of the GWWL process (based on a real pilot data set) Discussion of open questions of the concept paper text Way forward 19:30 Common Dinner

5 Groundwater Watch List process - some adjustments -

6 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Output: ranked list I Prioritisation based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Output: ranked list II All substances found (at least 1 country and 5 sites) All substances ranked according to leaching potential Substances with significant groundwater leaching potential Prioritisation based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard Output: ranked list III GWWL Monitoring Bypass (expert judgement) No relevant findings  deselection NO Sufficient monitoring data available? YES Limited number (e.g. top 30) Groundwater Watch List GWWL List facilitating the Annex I + II process

7 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Test of the general procedure Starting universe = All individual or group (chemical or use family) of substances Procedure = Annexes I, II, III of the Groundwater Watch List Concept & Methodology – Draft Version 10.9 Column I: substances monitored in GW Monitoring score = [ (Score N° PC) + (Score N° sites)] / 2 Column II: substances that have the theoretical potential to reach GW GW exposure score = (Persistence score + Mobility score) / 2 Column III: hazard Hazard score = [(“PBT / vPvB” score) + (“CMR” score) + (“ED” score)] / number of fulfilled “criteria”

8 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Clarification: All substances  Selection (to keep it managable) of substance groups (e.g. PFAS) use groups (e.g. pharmaceuticals) even single substances possible under the lead of WGGW (open procedure):

9 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Test of the general procedure Starting universe = All individual or group (chemical or use family) of substances Procedure = Annexes I, II, III of the Groundwater Watch List Concept & Methodology – Draft Version 10.9 Column I: substances monitored in GW Monitoring score = [ (Score N° PC) + (Score N° sites)] / 2 Column II: substances that have the theoretical potential to reach GW GW exposure score = (Persistence score + Mobility score) / 2 Column III: hazard Hazard score = [(“PBT / vPvB” score) + (“CMR” score) + (“ED” score)] / number of fulfilled “criteria”

10 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues GW Leaching score Calculation of the column I score: N° sites vs %age sites Different solutions tested Best solution would be Non linear scoring for column I calculation (low findings weighted) Mean [column I ; column II] scores

11 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues GW leaching potential - Column I score calculation Indicators Sub-score Monitoring score A) Number of countries with concentrations > LOQ (Score N°PC) (Values between 0 and 1) no country = 0 1 country = 0.2 2 countries = 0.4 3 countries = 0.6 4 countries = 0.8 5 or more countries = 1 [ (Score N°PC) + (Score N° sites)] / 2 Value between 0 and 1 B) Number of sites with concentrations > LOQ (Score N° sites) no site = 0 1 - 5 sites = 0.1 sites = 0.2 sites = 0.3 16 – 20 sites = 0.4 21 – 25 sites = 0.5 26 – 30 sites = 0.6 31 – 35 sites = 0.7 36 – 40 sites = 0.8 41 – 45 sites = 0.9 > 45 sites = 1

12 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues GW leaching potential - Column I score calculation Score A et B not discriminant and Score B biased by the number of sites monitored Proposal: new intermediate score correponding to the %age of site with detected samples B’ score between 0 & 1 0% 0 ≤ 0,25% 0.1 ≤ 0,5% 0.2 ≤ 1% 0.3 ≤ 2.5% 0.4 ≤ 5% 0.5 ≤ 10% 0.6 ≤ 25% 0.7 ≤ 50% 0.8 ≤ 75% 0.9 ≤ 100% 1 It is necessary to create critera for scoring that are 1) discriminant 2) not group specific

13 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues Scenario 1: Column I = N° sites | Leaching Score = Mean (I ; II) Carbamazepine ranked 7th

14 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues Scenario 2: Column I = %age sites | Leaching Score = Mean (I ; II) Carbamazepine ranked 4th

15 All substances ranked according to potential leaching
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation for substance or use group based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Output: ranked list I (scored) Prioritisation for substance or use group based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Output: ranked list II (scored) All substances ranked according to monitoring data (proved leaching potential) (at least 1 country and 5 sites) All substances ranked according to potential leaching Ranked list based on mean proved and potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) New: New list: Combination of 2 entire ranked lists Mean score of column I and column II scores Notes: - If one score is missing, the existing score is kept - Column I based on percentage of sites and not on number of sites

16 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation for substance or use group based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Prioritisation for substance or use group based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Prioritisation for substance or use group based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard List I: Substances ranked according to montoring data (scored) List II: Substances ranked according to leaching potential (scored) List III: Substances ranked according to hatzard (scored) Ranked list based on mean proved or potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) Note: - All chemical or use groups are assessed regarding their hazard New: Column III parallel to columns I and II and not following (as not dependant)

17 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation for substance or use group based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Prioritisation for substance or use group based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Prioritisation for substance or use group based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard List I: Substances ranked according to montoring data (scored) List II: Substances ranked according to leaching potential (scored) List III: Substances ranked according to hatzard (scored) Ranked list based on maximum proved or potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) Ranked integrated list according to leaching and hazard potential New: Ranked integrated list according to leaching and hazard potential (combination of leaching score and hazard score) Integrated score = Mean [GW Leaching score ; Hazard score] Note: If Hazard score is lacking, Integrated score = Leaching score

18 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Global procedure test Scoring Technical Issues Scenario 4: Column I = %age sites | Leaching Score = Mean (I ; II) Carbamazepine ranked 3rd

19 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 2- Poly and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – 51 substances studied list of 51 PFAS scored regarding their GW leaching potential and hazard Table: subset of 20 first PFAS integrated scores

20 How to deal with missing hazard data?
Substance will be marked Integrated score = leaching score No hazard assessment without leaching GWpotential information

21 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation for substance or use group based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Prioritisation for substance or use group based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Prioritisation for substance or use group based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard List I: Substances ranked according to montoring data (scored) List II: Substances ranked according to leaching potential (scored) List III: Substances ranked according to hatzard (scored) Ranked list based on maximum proved or potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) Ranked integrated list according to leaching and hazard potential GWWL Monitoring Bypass (expert judgement) No relevant findings  deselection Sufficient monitoring data available? NO YES Limited number (e.g. top 30) Groundwater Watch List GWWL List facilitating the Annex I + II process

22 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Prioritisation based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Prioritisation based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard New: Bypass no more needed to select substances for GWWL Limited number (e.g. 30): Selection based on - Ranked integrated list (if possible, choice of indicators representing relevant groups of substances achieving a broad coverage) - Suggestion of the GWWL group to be adopted by the WGGW List I: Substances ranked according to montoring data (scored) List II: Substances ranked according to leaching potential (scored) List III: Substances ranked according to hatzard (scored) Ranked list based on maximum proved or potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) Ranked integrated list according to leaching and hazard potential GWWL Monitoring Bypass (expert judgement) No relevant findings  deselection Sufficient monitoring data available? NO YES Limited number (e.g. top 30) Groundwater Watch List GWWL List facilitating the Annex I + II process

23 Groundwater Watch List process (concept)
All substances, except annex I or II substances Prioritisation for substance or use group based on existing monitoring data (column I) Criteria: presence in GW Prioritisation for substance or use group based on exposure (column II) Criteria: theoretical groundwater leaching potential and extent of potential environmental exposure Prioritisation for substance or use group based on hazard (column III) Criteria: toxicological or ecotoxicological hazard List I: Substances ranked according to montoring data (scored) List II: Substances ranked according to leaching potential (scored) List III: Substances ranked according to hatzard (scored) Ranked list based on maximum proved or potential groundwater leaching scores (column I and II) Ranked integrated list according to leaching and hazard potential GWWL Monitoring No relevant findings  deselection NO Sufficient monitoring data available? YES Limited number (e.g. top 30) Groundwater Watch List GWWL List facilitating the Annex I + II process

24 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 08:30 – 10:00 Watch list process (Substances on Watch List and List facilitating Annex I/II) Selection of substances for the List facilitating Annex I/II Selection of substances for the Watch List Availability of data – how to deal with missing data? Collection of metadata – which data are needed? (Targeted request on pathways and???) Discussion about possible solutions for data management and data assessment (Norman etc.)

25 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Selection of substances for the List facilitating Annex I/II Output integrated ranked list No relevant number of findings  deselection NO Sufficient monitoring data available? YES Groundwater Watch List GWWL List facilitating the Annex I + II process Sufficient monitoring data?: Quantified in 4 or more MS and found at more than 10 sites in each of the countries and highly ranked in column III Yes: List facilitating Annex I + II process No: Groundwater watch list – GWWL monitoring

26 Detected but not quantified*
PFC/PFAS-Substances that could go to the “List facilitating Annex I/II process” No of MS/AC Substance Name Acronym Total number of sites Detected but not quantified* No of findings MS/AC with findings List Facilitating* 10 Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFOA 5736 38 1549 Perfluorooctane Sulfonate PFOS 6278 55 1430 9 Perfluorohexanoic Acid PFHxA 4662 1175 8 Perfluorohexane Sulfonate PFHxS 2328 124 873 7 Perfluoroheptanoic Acid PFHpA 4224 37 817 Perfluoropentanoic Acid PFPeA 2452 19 701 6 Perfluorobutane Sulfonate PFBS 2209 93 577 5 Perfluorobutanoic Acid PFBA 1189 552 4 Perfluorononanoic Acid PFNA 3752 2 195 Perfluorodecanoic Acid PFDA 2945 1 173 3 Perfluoroheptane Sulfonate PFHpS 787 77 Perfluorododecanoic Acid PFDoA 2830 62 Perfluoroundecanoic Acid PFUnA 2711 42 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid H4-PFOS (6:2 FTS) 518 31 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-Perfluorodecanesulfonic Acid H4-PFDeS (8:2 FTS) 242  0 24 Perfluorooctane Sulfonamide PFOSA 1715 22 10 substances were found in 4 or more MS/AC at 10 or more sites and thus could go to the „List facilitating Annex I/II process“ Note: Substances without hazard data will be marked *No of MS where the substance was found at more than 10 sites

27 List facilitating Annex I/II
Pharmaceuticals that could go to the “List facilitating Annex I/II process” Substance No. of MS Total number of sites >LOQ MS/PC with findings List facilitating Annex I/II Carbamazepine 12 3692 445 Y caffeine 2 490 252 N Paracetamol (Acetominophen) 9 1036 248 3 Sulfamethoxazole 2153 105 Diatrizoic Acid 5 1394 66 ? Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 1 61 Metformin 787 56 Tramadol 675 54 Ibuprofen 1865 49 6 Clofibric acid 7 2294 46 4 Phenazone 1477 40 Iopamidol 1462 37 Diclofenac 10 3060 34 Primidon 628 31 Oxazepam 525 29 Crotamiton 27 Pentobarbital 26 Erythromycin 8 1255 25 Sotalol 1479 Isoquinoline 492 22 Gabapentin 167 19 Sulfadimidine 1314

28 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Selection of substances for the Watch List Output: integrated ranked list Limited number (e.g. 30) Watch List is a limited list of substances (e.g. 30). The list should be complemented by substances representing groups of substances with lower score, but revealing a pollution risk - in case the group would not be represented by using the score (e.g. non relevant metabolites). Groundwater Watch List GWWL Sufficient monitoring data available? NO Monitoring YES Criteria: Ranked in column III but found in less than 4 MS/AC and/or at less than 10 sites in each MS/AC

29 Selection of substances for the Groundwater Watch List
Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers – 30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor Selection of substances for the Groundwater Watch List Example with data from the PFC pilot study: Results of Column III assessment is needed – data not jet available. Column I: 52 substances in the questionnaire - 28 substances were monitored and 23 found in GW. From these 23 substances 10 substances could go to the “List facilitating Annex I/II process”. Thus 13 substances were already found in GW but there are no sufficient data available (potential candidates for the Watch List). Column II: 52 substances in the questionnaire - 11 have a high or medium score in Column II (1-0.5) but no monitoring data and also could go to the Watch List (potential candidates for the Watch List).

30 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 08:30 – 10:00 Watch list process (continued) Availability of data – how to deal with missing data? Collection of metadata – which data are needed? (Targeted request on pathways and???) Discussion about possible solutions for data management and data assessment (Norman etc.) 10:00 – 10:30 Watch list process - Continued Exchange about actually ongoing work on emerging contaminants in other projects (GeoERA, Surface Water Watch Lust, Norman etc.) (Elisa Vargas, Benjamin Lopez) 10:30 – 11:00 Break

31 Groundwater Watch List Meeting - Group of Volunteers –
30th – 31st August 2018 – Paris - Room: 1515 – 15th floor 11:00 – 13:00 Next steps Exchange about ideas for substance groups for the next studies (input from everybody requested!) Time table for additional data request Presentation at Vienna meeting ERL paper (Dan Lapworth) Time buffer 13:00 End of the meeting


33 PPs New scheme test Monitoring X Hazard ranking Leaching potential X Hazard ranking

34 PPs Comparisom Integrated score ranking and New scheme ranking

35 PPs Comparisom Integrated score ranking and New scheme ranking

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