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1 Competition in the Energy Sector – The EU Perspective Prof. Dr. Hans Vedder – University of Groningen 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Competition in the Energy Sector – The EU Perspective Prof. Dr. Hans Vedder – University of Groningen 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Competition in the Energy Sector – The EU Perspective Prof. Dr. Hans Vedder – University of Groningen 1

2 Overview Competition in the EU Energy Sector Overview of main trends
2 Overview Competition in the EU Energy Sector Overview of main trends Application to EU-Russia Energy Dominance Foreclosure Market Partitioning

3 Competition in EU Energy
3 Competition in EU Energy EU competition law consists of (inter alia) Prohibition of restrictive agreements Prohibition of abuse of dominance Both applied in the energy sector Market sharing / partitioning arrangements Vertically integrated companies using networks to foreclose access increase prices or discriminate

4 Competition in EU Energy
4 Competition in EU Energy Purpose is to come to an internal energy market Free movement Undistorted conditions of competition But: Low degree of interpenetration High levels of concentration Commission information asymmetry Sector inquiry and

5 EU Russia Energy Gazprom is the EU’s largest third country supplier
5 EU Russia Energy Gazprom is the EU’s largest third country supplier EU is Gazprom’s largest export destination EU is becoming increasingly import dependent Result: an increasingly close and difficult relationship Difficulty: EU competition and Gazprom

6 EU competition and the upstream gas sector
6 EU competition and the upstream gas sector Several earlier cases involving market partitioning (destination clauses etc.) Difficulty to find right balance between Market access and opening  lower prices, high contestability Need to recoup upstream investments  high prices, low contestability

7 EU competition law and Gazprom
7 EU competition law and Gazprom Sept Dawn Raids Sept – Commission confirms opening of proceedings ex. Art. 102 TFEU Market partitioning Restricting diversification of supply Unfair prices Current investigation, but politically sensitive

8 Thank you for your attention
8 Thank you for your attention

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