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BELLWORK Please wait silently and we will watch a video soon. Get ready to write down poetic devices you see in this video. This video is very important.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK Please wait silently and we will watch a video soon. Get ready to write down poetic devices you see in this video. This video is very important."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK Please wait silently and we will watch a video soon. Get ready to write down poetic devices you see in this video. This video is very important. VHc3Ms

2 PLANNER: HOMEWORK Tonight, you should finish your freeform poem and turn it in on Thursday. You should also be reviewing your notes in your Poetry Packet for the Poetry Terms Test on Friday.

3 This weekend... What holiday were we celebrating this weekend?
From the video we watched, yes, we were celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. day What would you think about his “I Have a Dream” speech as poetry? What poetic devices did you write down?

4 Today... I want you all to remember that poetry is not only used for self-expression, but for expression of society at large- even resistance Poets use poetry to talk about the now, what is important in the current climate, and what matters to them

5 Today... I would like you to take the next assignment seriously
I want you to think about a problem that we are currently facing in our climate that matters to you Using extended metaphor and simile, write a poem about this problem It is freeform, and should be at least three stanzas

6 Langston Hughes

7 Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was a poet born in 1902 in Missouri
As a child, Hughes was raised by his grandmother He’d moved around a bit, but started writing poetry when he was living in Illinois As he grew older, he’d lived and traveled to places such as Mexico, Africa, and Europe

8 Langston Hughes What does this mean about Hughes?
He had a lot of life experience Hughes was always trying to experience whatever he could to put into his writing He also had to experience these things because of the circumstance he was in Throughout his young adult life, he took many odd jobs just to make a small living for himself

9 Langston Hughes While earning these wages, Hughes continued to write
He eventually attended Columbia University in New York City From this experience, he wrote the poem “Theme for English B” (if you’d like to know more about this poem, take Art History!)

10 Langston Hughes Hughes was all about writing about the African American experience and what it was like to live in the 1920s- 1960s He spoke truth into this experience and is considered one of the most important American poets of the 20th century

11 Langston Hughes Let’s read a couple of his poems together (I will pass them out, and as we go along, I would like you to annotate: Metaphor underlined Simile with a star First letters of alliteration underlined

12 Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was also part of a movement called the Harlem Renaissance Let’s learn more about this from the Crash Course series! I will pause during the video and ask you to write specific details down

13 “He wanted to tell the stories of his people in ways that reflected their actual culture, including both their suffering and their love of music, laughter, and language itself.”

14 Langston Hughes Langston Hughes used the themes in poetry at the time to his advantage as well At this time, poetry was a very inward experience This means that poetry was a lot about self-reflection and finding the self versus talking outward to an audience

15 Langston Hughes How did Hughes use this as an advantage?
He wrote to an audience Instead of writing inwardly and self-examining, Hughes wrote outwardly He wrote about the experiences of everyone in his culture and community in hopes to connect

16 Langston Hughes How, to you, does this relate to the MLK speech we watched at the beginning of the video? Please write your answer in your notes. We will discuss in a few minutes!

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