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National Monitoring and Reporting System

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Presentation on theme: "National Monitoring and Reporting System"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Monitoring and Reporting System
Olive DUSHIME SDGs Advisor

2 CONTENT Motivation National M&R system as a solution
National M&R system conceptual design and features Sustainability of the system Showcasing of the features of the system Way forward

3 MOTIVATION Strengthened and centralized data system
Reliable, timely, comparable and disaggregated data: 80% of national data within three years 80% of national data within three years Countries owning fully the production and usage of data

4 Cloud-based, system and repository
Fully owned and run by African Nations Accommodate Multiple Agendas Solution: M&R System Cloud-based, system and repository User friendly and powerful data analytics and visuals for decision making informed by data

5 National M&R system conceptual design and features
Modules National Progress Data collection National MRS

6 National M&R system conceptual design and features
   Communication Ability for users to communicate, share experiences and challenges, give feedback with each other. Interoperability Ability for systems to communicate with each other, understand each other and exchange data.

7 Showcasing OF the features of the system https://test. sdgca

8 Sustainability of the system
Engage in continuous follow-up with the countries on the System usage Mobilize the countries to share data to the Pan-African M&R System System usage assessment Conduct refresher workshops on a periodic basis Follow-up with countries on challenges faced in use of the System Provide ongoing backstopping and trouble-shooting

9 Way forward Country readiness assessment
Provide technical support and transferring knowledge Troubleshooting and backstopping

10 Thank you!

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