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Bread and butter.

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Presentation on theme: "Bread and butter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bread and butter

2 Revision tool Short starter Recaps previous work
Repeats itself regularly Allows students to set strengths and targets Allows students to tick off targets Layout makes students attempt more questions even if they find one hard

3 Examples






9 Strengths and targets

10 Or you could call them starter mats!



13 Other places to find randomly generated starters:
Corbett maths 5 a day Transum starter of the day Can you share some more?

14 One last thing… I would recommend getting on twitter for ideas and resources You could follow us and see who we follow… @malmesburymaths @GLOWmaths

15 Ok, one more thing… Mel Muldowney from Just maths writes a blog which you can get delivered straight to your inbox by signing up at She is in the loop with all the exam boards and creates and shares resources almost daily

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