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Transfection of protoplasts of S

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1 Transfection of protoplasts of S
Transfection of protoplasts of S. sclerotiorum virulent strain 1980 with purified SsPV1/WF-1 particles. Transfection of protoplasts of S. sclerotiorum virulent strain 1980 with purified SsPV1/WF-1 particles. (A) Comparison of colony morphologies of parental strain 1980, strain WF-1, and the SsPV1-transfected isolates 1980V1 and 1980V2. (B) Comparison of hyphal growth rates of strains 1980, WF-1, 1980V1, 1980V2, and 1980R1 (the latter is an isolate from regenerated nontransfected control protoplasts of strain 1980) on PDAY medium (20°C). (C) Numbers of sclerotia per plate produced by strains 1980, WF-1, 1980V1, 1980V2, and 1980R1 on PDAY medium (20°C; 20 days postinfection). (D) Lesion length caused by strains 1980, WF-1, 1980V1, 1980V2, and 1980R1 (20°C; 4 days postinfection) on the stems of soybean (Glycine max). (E) RT-PCR detection of SsPV1/WF-1 in individual isolates. The actin gene is used as an internal control. The predicted lengths of the RT-PCR products for CP and RdRp are 300 and 320 nt, respectively. Results in each of the histograms shown in panels B to D are expressed as arithmetic means ± standard errors of the means. Asterisks indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) among strains of S. sclerotiorum according to the Student t test. Xueqiong Xiao et al. J. Virol. 2014;88:

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