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8th Grade Vocabulary 5th Set

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1 8th Grade Vocabulary 5th Set
Rapturous, plague, sustain, renegade, formidable, unorthodox, potential, supple, self-sustaining, fulfilling

2 1. rapturous rapturous (adjective) – characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm Sample sentence: “We’re having smoked pork chops with sweet corn,” I offered. Richard’s face went rapturous. Synonyms – ecstatic, joyful, happy

3 2. plague plague (noun): a contagious bacterial disease; an unusually large number of insects or animals infesting a place and causing damage Sample sentence: I was smiling and congratulating him and being a big sport, thinking a plague of locusts would him good. Synonyms: disease, sickness, swarm, infestation

4 3. sustain sustain (verb) – strengthen or support physically or mentally Sample Sentence: The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed. Synonyms: comfort, help, assist

5 4. renegade renegade (noun): a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles Sample Sentence: The renegades complain that loyalists are pressuring them to support England. Synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter

6 5. formidable formidable (adjective): inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable Sample Sentence: Cyril Pool makes a formidable opponent. Synonyms: intimidating, frightening, fearsome

7 6. unorthodox unorthodox (adj): contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted Sample Sentence: He frequently upset other scholars with his unorthodox views. Synonyms: unusual, radical, strange

8 7. potential potential (adj./noun): having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future Sample Sentence: The young broadcaster has great potential. Synonyms: possible, likely, prospect

9 8. supple supple (adjective): bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible Sample Sentence: Regular yoga will help you to keep a supple form. Synonyms: limber, flexible, agile

10 9. self-sustaining Self-sustaining (adj): able to continue in a healthy state without outside assistance Sample Sentence: His puny farms were years from being self-sustaining. Synonyms: effective, fruitful

11 10. fulfilling fulfilling (adj): making someone satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or abilities Sample Sentence: Ellie is hoping for a fulfilling and rewarding career in pumpkin growing. Synonyms: achieve, realize

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