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What do you notice about these images?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you notice about these images?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you notice about these images?

2 How are the previous images linked to this image?

3 Try and answer the following questions:
Who was Martin Luther King? What was his approach to conflict? What beliefs influenced his approach?

4 Who was Martin Luther King?
America in the 1960s Who was Martin Luther King? On average black people lived 10 years less than white people. The government spent 5 times more money on white students than black students (they usually went to different schools) Black people were not allowed to vote On buses black people had to give their seat up for white passengers.

5 Imagine you were a Black person living in America in 1960.
Martin Luther King Imagine you were a Black person living in America in 1960. 1. How would you feel? 2. What would you think about white people? 3. Would you do anything to change the situation?

6 Who was Martin Luther King? What was his approach to conflict?
TASK Watch the video and make a note of some key events in the life of Martin Luther King Pause through out and discuss?? I

7 What influenced Martin Luther King to Campaign against Civil Rights?
What beliefs influenced his approach? What influenced Martin Luther King to Campaign against Civil Rights? His Christian beliefs

8 What beliefs influenced his approach?
What did Martin Luther King believe in as a Christian? Non-violence, equality, compassion, forgiveness – example of Jesus

9 “Love Thy Neighbour”

10 “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword”
Non-violence - Pacifism

11 What beliefs influenced his approach?
PACIFISM = The belief that war and violence are unjustifiable under any circumstance His Christian beliefs

12 “At the centre of non-violence stands the principle of love”
Martin Luther King Agape

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