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Jianguo Bian, Guoming Chen,Jian Wang IHEP, Beijing 2011 Oct 7

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1 Jianguo Bian, Guoming Chen,Jian Wang IHEP, Beijing 2011 Oct 7
Double J/ψ Production Jianguo Bian, Guoming Chen,Jian Wang IHEP, Beijing 2011 Oct 7

2 Data sample Trigger algorithm 1. DATA SAMPLE AND TRIGGER
/MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v4/RECO, luminosity = 913.8/pb. /MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v5/RECO, luminosity = 399.6/pb /MuOnia/Run2011A-PromptReco-v6/RECO, luminosity = 655.8/pb total luminosity=1969.2/pb Trigger algorithm HLT_Dimuon0_Jpsi_Muon_v1, v2, v4,v6 Dimuon cuts: mass = ; |y| < 2.4; requires the presence of a third muon (with no pT or y cuts on that 3rd muon)

3 MC sample Trigger algorithm 2. MC SAMPLE AND TRIGGER
private production based on the Color-Singlet Model (arXiv: ) cross section is 15.5nb for ptJ/ψ<25, |yJ/ψ|<2.4, CMSSW_4_2_4_hltpatch1 event number is for ptJ/ψ<25, |yJ/ψ|<2.4, Trigger algorithm HLT_Dimuon0_Jpsi_Muon_v2_1E33p1E33

4 3. EVENT SELECTION Moun selction global or tracker muons
muon pT > 0.8 GeV, 2.2<|η|<2.4 muon pT > 1.0 GeV, 1.3<|η|<2.2 muon pT > 2.4 GeV, |η|<1.3 inner track χ2/dof < 1.8, ∆R(μrec,μL3)<0.1 number of muons >=4. J/ψ selction two muons have opposite charge, J/ψ rapidity 0<|y|<2.4, J/ψ pt <25, vertex fit probability > 0.001,

5 3. EVENT SELECTION (con't)
Double J/ψ selection the two J/ψ's don't share a common muon track minimal |mµµ | + |mµµ | is required if number of J/ψ candidates >2, µµ1 and µµ2 are sorted by yµµ1 > yµµ2,

6 4. NUMBER OF Double J/ψ From 2 DIMENSION FIT
4 components in 2 dimension fit µµ_1 µµ_2 label fit function 1 J/ψ J/ψ1, J/ψ2 gaussian, gaussian 2 background bac1,bac2 2th poly, 2th poly 3 bac3,J/ψ3 2th poly, gaussian 4 J/ψ4, bac4 when fitting, it is assumed that J/ψ1, J/ψ2,J/ψ3, J/ψ4 have same gaussian parameters. bac1,bac3 have same poly parameters, so do bac2,bac4. µµ_1

7 4. NUMBER OF Double J/ψ From 2 DIMENSION FIT(con't)
1 2 3 4 2 J/ψ are not required to share a common vertex jpsi4 jpsi3 bac3 jpsi1 jpsi2 bac4 bac1 bac2 doube J/ψ, i.e. jpsi1jpsi2 = 807±69

8 4. NUMBER OF Double J/ψ From 2 DIMENSION FIT(con't)
5 6 7 8 2 J/ψ are required to share a common vertex with probability >0.001 and pdl <0.02 cm jpsi3 jpsi4 jpsi1 bac3 jpsi2 bac4 bac1 bac2 doube J/ψ, i.e. jpsi1jpsi2 = 309±39

9 4. NUMBER OF Double J/ψ From 2 DIMENSION FIT(con't)
9 10 11 12 MC sample with vertex fit probability>0.001 and pdl<0.02cm jpsi2 jpsi1 doube J/ψ, i.e. jpsi1jpsi2 = 161±13 . Jian Wang will check the sample.

10 4. NUMBER OF Double J/ψ From 2 DIMENSION FIT(con't)
Double J/ψ mass pp→double J/ψ fig. 13 black lines: |mµµ |<3σ=0.126, |mµµ |<3σ=0.126, blue lines: sideband

11 5. Efficiency and Cross section by MC sample
From MC events, we get 161±13 Events (see slide 9) total efficiency by one step for whole phase space εtot =(161 ±13) / =(1.4 ± 0.11)E-3. Cross section=Nevents/ (εtotLumi)/fr2(J/ψ→μμ)=31.9±4.1nb Theory predicts 15.5nb for ptJpsi<25,|yJpsi|<2.4,

12 6. Efficiency and Cross section by tag-prob
the efficiency to find one muon: εmuon=εid εqual εtrig where εtrig= εL1L2 εL3 the efficiency to find 4 muons is ε4muon= εμ1id εμ1qual εμ2id εμ2qual εμ3id εμ3qual εμ4id εμ4qual * ε3muontrig, ε3muontrig is HLT_Dimuon0_Jpsi_Muon trigger efficiency for 4 muon, ε3muontrig= εμ1trig εμ2trig(1-εμ3trig)εμ4trig εψ1mass + εμ1trig εμ2trigεμ3trig(1-εμ4trig) εψ1mass + εμ3trig εμ4trig(1-εμ1trig)εμ2trig εψ2mass + εμ3trig εμ4trigεμ1trig(1-εμ2trig) εψ2mass + εμ1trig εμ2trigεμ3trigεμ4trig (εψ1mass+ εψ2mass- εψ1mass*εψ2mass), where εψ1mass= εψ1mass(pt,y) ≈1,εψ2mass= εψ2mass(pt,y ) ≈1 to consider ψ mass=(2.80,3.35)

13 6. Efficiency and Cross section by tag-prob(con’t)
From MC simulation get a total efficiency ε total= Nfit-after-all-cuts/Ngenerated (see slide 9) Then get difference between data and MC as the correction factor with Tag&Probe C= εdata_4moun/ εMC-4moun= 0.776±0.006 (It should be checked using larger MC sample) The corrected efficiency εtotal×C could be considered as the real efficiency. Final cross section is cs=(31.9 ±4.1)/0.776=(41.1 ±5.3)nb for ptJpsi<25,|yJpsi|<2.4,

using HLT_Dimuon0_Jpsi_Muon_v1,v2,v4,v6 to select DJpsi events from /pb data collected by CMS, we obtain nDJpsi=309±39 for ptJpsi<25,|yJpsi|<2.4, cross section = 41.1±5.3nb. theoretical cross section is 15.5 nb. to do list produce more MC events to check C factor reduce background calculate differential cross section Calculate the system uncertainty.


16 Efficiency from Tag&Probe: MuonID

17 MuonQual

18 MuonL1L2

19 Data: MuonQual pt eta 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 0.0~0.2 0.97±0.02 0.97±0.01
0.962±0.005 0.96±0.02 0.2~0.3 1.000±0.007 0.98±0.01 0.966±0.008 0.98±0.02 0.3~0.6 0.958±0.008 0.973±0.008 0.972±0.004 0.990±0.006 0.6~0.8 0.99±0.02 0.96±0.01 0.972±0.005 0.8~1.2 0.968±0.009 1.2~1.6 1.00±0.02 0.979±0.005 1.6~2.1 0.999±0.006 0.985±0.007 0.9883±0.0001 1.000±0.001 2.1~2.4 1.00±0.05 1.00±0.01 1.00±0.08 pt eta

20 Data: MuonID 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 0.0~0.2 0.83±0.02 1.000±0.003 1.000±0.008 0.96±0.06 0.2~0.3 0.67±0.03 0.95±0.02 0.99±0.02 1.00±0.05 0.3~0.6 0.86±0.02 0.99±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.97±0.06 0.6~0.8 0.85±0.02 1.000±0.005 1.00±0.01 1.00±0.03 0.8~1.2 0.94±0.02 1.00±0.02 1.2~1.6 0.96±0.01 0.99±0.08 1.6~2.1 1.0±0.1 2.1~2.4 0.94±0.05 0.3±0.2 pt eta

21 Data: MuonL1L2 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 0.0~0.2 0.38±0.01 0.852±0.008 0.968±0.005 1.000±0.005 0.2~0.3 0.22±0.02 0.63±0.02 0.83±0.03 1.00±0.08 0.3~0.6 0.45±0.01 0.901±0.006 0.970±0.004 0.6~0.8 0.39±0.02 0.892±0.008 0.974±0.005 1.000±0.006 0.8~1.2 0.39±0.01 0.888±0.006 0.953±0.005 0.98±0.01 1.2~1.6 0.543±0.007 0.948±0.006 0.952±0.008 0.97±0.02 1.6~2.1 0.536±0.010 0.84±0.01 0.85±0.02 1.00±0.10 2.1~2.4 0.66±0.04 0.616±0.001 1.0±0.2 pt eta

22 Pt Efficiency 2~5 5~7 7~9 9~15 15~25 25~40 Data: MuonL3 0.852±0.003
0.987±0.001 7~9 0.996±0.001 9~15 0.995±0.001 15~25 0.992±0.003 25~40 0.98±0.01

23 MC: MuonQual 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 eta pt 0.0~0.2 0.97±0.01 0.980±0.007
0.985±0.003 0.993±0.001 0.2~0.3 1.00±0.01 1.0000±0.0004 0.993±0.004 0.988±0.003 0.3~0.6 1.000±0.001 0.984±0.005 0.9875±0.0008 0.6~0.8 0.991±0.005 0.987±0.003 0.995±0.002 0.8~1.2 0.98±0.02 0.978±0.004 0.986±0.002 0.997±0.001 1.2~1.6 0.996±0.001 0.997±0.004 0.998±0.001 1.6~2.1 0.995±0.006 1.0000±0.0003 2.1~2.4 1.0000±0.0006 1.0000±0.0005 1.0000±0.0002 eta pt

24 MC:MuonID 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 0.0~0.2 0.741±0.009 0.985±0.002 0.9988±0.0003 0.9993±0.0002 0.2~0.3 0.62±0.01 0.953±0.004 0.9953±0.0007 0.9960±0.0007 0.3~0.6 0.854±0.006 0.990±0.001 0.9982±0.0003 0.9988±0.0002 0.6~0.8 0.833±0.001 0.988±0.001 0.9990±0.0002 0.9987±0.0003 0.8~1.2 0.869±0.005 0.989±0.001 0.9987±0.0002 0.9984±0.0002 1.2~1.6 0.938±0.002 0.9974±0.0005 0.9992±0.0002 1.6~2.1 0.991±0.001 0.9975±0.0005 0.9989±0.0002 0.9991±0.0002 2.1~2.4 0.994±0.002 0.9994±0.0005 0.9997±0.0001 0.9998±0.0001 pt eta

25 MC:MuonL1L2 2~4 4~6 6~15 15~40 0.0~0.2 0.48±0.01 0.913±0.004 0.976±0.001 0.982±0.001 0.2~0.3 0.33±0.02 0.759±0.008 0.878±0.003 0.887±0.004 0.3~0.6 0.542±0.009 0.936±0.003 0.9794±0.0008 0.981±0.001 0.6~0.8 0.51±0.01 0.978±0.001 0.984±0.001 0.8~1.2 0.42±0.02 0.893±0.003 0.930±0.001 0.904±0.002 1.2~1.6 0.568±0.005 0.935±0.002 0.954±0.001 0.946±0.001 1.6~2.1 0.6±0.3 0.809±0.004 0.814±0.002 0.782±0.003 2.1~2.4 0.553±0.010 0.69±0.01 0.706±0.006 0.702±0.007

26 Pt Efficiency 2~5 5~7 7~9 9~15 15~25 25~40 MC: MuonL3 0.902±0.005
0.991±0.002 7~9 0.9986±0.0006 9~15 0.9995±0.0002 15~25 0.9983±0.0004 25~40 0.9992±0.0004

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