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A: Insulin-stimulated total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal in subjects with NGT (open bars), IFG (dotted bars), IGT (striped bar), IFG/IGT.

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Presentation on theme: "A: Insulin-stimulated total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal in subjects with NGT (open bars), IFG (dotted bars), IGT (striped bar), IFG/IGT."— Presentation transcript:

1 A: Insulin-stimulated total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal in subjects with NGT (open bars), IFG (dotted bars), IGT (striped bar), IFG/IGT (diamond bars), and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (filled bars). A: Insulin-stimulated total, oxidative, and nonoxidative glucose disposal in subjects with NGT (open bars), IFG (dotted bars), IGT (striped bar), IFG/IGT (diamond bars), and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (filled bars). P values are for trend (ANOVA P values). B: First- and second-phase insulin levels during the hyperglycemic clamp in NGT (○), IFG (♢), IGT (□), IFG/IGT (*), and type 2 diabetes (■). C: GDI in subjects with NGT (open bar), IFG (dotted bar), IGT (striped bar), IFG/IGT (diamond bar), and type 2 diabetes (filled bar). In A and C, letters are significant post hoc analysis (Bonferroni correction): P < 0.05 (a, type 2 diabetes versus NGT; b, type 2 diabetes versus IFG; c, type 2 diabetes versus IGT; e, NGT versus IFG/IGT; f, NGT versus IGT). Data are means ± SD. Fida Bacha et al. Dia Care 2010;33: ©2010 by American Diabetes Association

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