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The Future Active Indicative Tense

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1 The Future Active Indicative Tense

2 Describes future actions, and is translated “will or shall verb”.
The Future Tense The FRAME Routine Key Topic So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) 1st & 2nd Conjugation 3rd & 4th Conjugation Essential details Essential details Infinitives: āre & ēre Ego omnia eis explicābo. I will explain everything to them. Multa et mira vidēbunt pueri. The boys will see many wonderful things. Endings: bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt Infinitives: ere & īre 3rd –io & 4th have an “i” before the ending. Ego Corneliam domum ducam. I will take Cornelia home. Brevi tempore ad Portam Capenam advenies. In a short time you will arrive at the Porta Capena. Endings: am, es, et emus, etis, ent

3 Conjugation Practice First Conjugation Second Conjugation
do, dāre, dedi neco, necāre salto, saltāre ceno, cenāre 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl. video, vidēre sedeo, sedēre rideo, ridēre iubeo, iubēre 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl.

4 Conjugation Practice Third Conjugation Third -io Conjugation
emo, emere mitto, mittere peto, petere pono, ponere 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl. capio, capere facio, facere iacio, iacere fugio, fugere 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl.

5 Conjugation Practice Fourth Conjugation audio, audīre dormio, dormīre
venio, venīre finio, finīre 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl.

6 Translation Practice 1. laudabo 6. dicam 2. respondebit 7. dormiet
2. respondebit 7. dormiet 3. trahemus 8. portabunt 4. revenient 9. appropinquabo 5. ridebitis venietis

7 Future Tense Irregular Verbs
The FRAME Routine is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Esse & Posse Velle, Nolle, Ferre Ire Essential details Essential details Essential details SUM: erim erimus eris eritis erit erunt The compound verb “POSSE” is formed the same way: poterim poterimus poteris poteritis poterit poterunt Use the 3rd & 4th Conjugation endings volam, voles, volet volemus, voletis, volent nolam, noles, nolet nolemus, noletis, nolent feram, feres, feret feremus, feretis, ferent Uses the 1st & 2nd Conjugation endings ibo, ibis, ibit ibimus, ibitis, ibunt All compound verbs are formed the same way. example: exire exibo, exibis, exibit ect….

8 Irregular Future Practice
Ibisne ad Curiam, pater? Ita vero! Ad Curiam celeriter ibo. Quando domum redibis, pater? Fortasse Cornelius domum redire brevi tempore poterit. Eucleides et pueri in urbem mane exibunt. Nocte vehicula magna onera in urbem ferent. Pueri Circum Maximum cras videre volent. Ubi liberi mane erunt? Si equi strenue laborabunt, raedam e fossa extrahere poterunt.

9 Conjugation Practice Irregular Verbs sum, esse possum, posse
fero, ferre volo, velle 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl. nolo, nolle eo, ire 1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd sg. 1st pl. 2nd pl. 3rd pl.

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