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Consider Post-Secondary Goals

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1 Dual Enrollment Dr. Dan Lawrence, Counselor Stephanie Pitcher, Counselor

2 Consider Post-Secondary Goals
Bureau of Labor Statistics: O*NET online: My Big Future: Career Cruising:

3 There are over 3000 colleges and universities in our country
There are over 3000 colleges and universities in our country. The admission process is a maze that is best started early. Dual Enrollment can help but also complicates admissions.

4 Make sure you consider Advance Placement (AP) courses
Make sure you consider Advance Placement (AP) courses. AP courses give you chance for college credit and help ensure success in college. PLUS, Highly Selective Universities love AP.

5 Dual Enrollment means you are taking courses in high school and ANY college at the same time. For example:

6 What is NOT Dual Enrollment?
It is not, a “Early College” program… It is not AP or IB…

7 Dual Enrollment has been part of State law since 1996 and allows qualified high school students to take college courses that are not available at the high school and the school district pays the tuition up to 1/12 of the state funding per course.


9 Dual Enrollment students may take courses at any accredited college
Dual Enrollment students may take courses at any accredited college. Most CVHS Dual Enrollment students choose to attend Macomb Community College because of the wide range of courses and the proximity to their homes.

10 How do I know if I am ready for Dual Enrollment
How do I know if I am ready for Dual Enrollment? Maturity plays a large factor. You must take and received scores in one of these tests to participate. Macomb’s placement test will also provide evidence of readiness.

11 Number of College Courses
Grade Number of College Courses 9 2 10 11 12 4 How many College courses can I take under the program? The number is limited each year but if a student starts later in high school they can take more for a maximum over 4 years of 10 courses.

12 Which college courses are covered under Dual Enrollment. 1
Which college courses are covered under Dual Enrollment? 1. A course that is NOT offered at CVS. OR 2. CVHS Determined the course did NOT fit into the student’s high school schedule.

13 Which college courses are not covered by Dual Enrollment
Which college courses are not covered by Dual Enrollment? Courses that are a “hobby”, craft, recreational or a course in the areas of Physical Education, Theology, Divinity or Religious Education are not eligible for tuition support.

14 The final grade from your Dual Enrollment course will be listed on your transcript but the grade won’t be included in your GPA unless you select “High School and College Credit” on your Dual Enrollment Request form.

15 Dual Enrollment students must leave the CVHS Campus and they must find their own transportation to and from the college.

16 The costs college text books can be funded, at least partially, by the school district. You must use Macomb’s campus bookstore. We recommend going to the first night of class then go to the book store to make the purchase. If the district is paying for the book the book becomes the school’s property. At the end of the semester, please return the text book to the Macomb Bookstore.

17 Sample Course Schedule from Macomb Community College: All college courses are one semester long. You register for one semester at a time. Starting in July for the Fall Semester and November for the Winter semester. Below is a typical course schedule.

18 Be careful about start and end times of the college courses
Be careful about start and end times of the college courses. Your college course cannot conflict with your high school schedule, sports or jobs. High school comes first! Fall/Winter Schedules are NOT the same. Snow day at CVHS does not equal snow day at college.

19 State tax dollars are involved in Dual Enrollment: if you drop the course after the 100% refund period or fail to successfully complete the course, the State requires the district to bill you for the cost of the course.

20 Example 1 of costs associated with Dual Enrollment at Macomb Community College.
Item Tuition Per Credit Hour Number of Credit Hours Totals HUMN 1210 $97.00 3 $291.00 Registration Fee $50.00 Course Fee $53.00 Text Books $ estimated Total Expenses $519.00 Less State of Michigan 1/12 Foundation Allowance -$ (17-18) Student responsibility $0.00

21 Example 2 of costs associated with Dual Enrollment at Macomb Community College.
Item Tuition Per Credit Hour Number of Credit Hours Totals SOCY 1010 $97.00 4 $388.00 Registration Fee $50.00 Course Fee $43.00 Text Books $ estimated Total Expenses $731.00 Less State of Michigan 1/12 Foundation Allowance -$ (17-18) Student responsibility $76.00

22 Once you have registered for your course(s)
Once you have registered for your course(s). Don’t make changes without talking with your counselor at CVHS. And above all, DON’T DROP or WITHDRAW FROM YOUR COURSE(S) without talking with your CVHS counselor first.


24 Colleges are big places
Colleges are big places. Nothing will identify you as a dual enrollment student. You are taking courses with adults so keep your guard up.

25 Successful college students maintain communication with professors
Successful college students maintain communication with professors. There are NO PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE IN COLLEGE. Attend office hours, use or telephone, and Always seek help when needed!

26 Resources at Macomb Reading and writing studios
Offer appointment on campus and online C-105 – Center Campus Student Service labs H108-Center Campus Using my Macomb account or completing college forms Open 9 am to 5 pm Learning Center Free tutoring Online tools

27 College courses last about 3 or 4 hours a week and require more independent study time. A general rule: add 2 hours of study time for every hour in class.

28 The Michigan Transfer Network allows students, advisers, and the general public to view transfer course equivalencies between many Michigan colleges and universities.  Typically a C or higher is needed to transfer a college class to a university Michigan Transfer Agreement

29 What are some examples of approved Dual Enrollment Courses
What are some examples of approved Dual Enrollment Courses? The answer depends on your future plans to play it safe take Elective and General Education type courses rather than courses in your major.

30 Here are some examples of General Education courses in college.


32 CVHS Dual Enrollment Steps
1 Apply for admission to Macomb online and obtain a student number from Macomb. is the form of communication that matters in college.

33 Visit Macomb’s campus to take picture ID, and take the Placement Test
Visit Macomb’s campus to take picture ID, and take the Placement Test. Do the online orientation. 2

34 Meet with Adviser Learn about campus resources Important dates Overview of admission process

35 Search for course/sections using your online account at Macomb Community College.
Target courses(sections) that meet the dual enrollment rules and your needs and have been approved by your high school. Register for courses using Macomb’s online system in July. Sections fill quickly once registration begins. Don’t be late. 4

36 Print a copy of your Macomb Schedule/Statemen t and submit this paperwork to the CVHS Guidance Office by August 1th. 5

37 Attend your first class. Purchase your books
Attend your first class. Purchase your books. Work hard, communicate with your instructors, and get good grades. 6

38 We will use PowerSchool, to communicate about Dual Enrollment all year:
Make sure you are set up to receive voice mail messages, text messages and s in PowerSchool. We will send reminders through PowerSchool to any student who submits Dual Enrollment applications.


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