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Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections

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1 Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections
This Years’ Activities and Future Work TFEIP co-chairs: Chris Dore, Martin Adams and Kristina Saarinen

2 Contents Review of 2016-2017 Workplan Work for 2017 & Onwards
Core programme, Admin, Development Work for 2017 & Onwards Core programme Technical Review of Inventories Guidebook Development PM: Condensables/SVOCs Black Carbon

3 Core Programme   Administration   
1. Review of Workplan Core Programme On-going technical support/co-ordination Annual TFEIP/EIONET Meeting (& workshop) Communications and outreach Administration Updated Review (Methods & Procedures Document) Still need guidance on technical corrections Updated Mandate

4 Development     1. Review of 2015-2016 Workplan
Updated EMEP/EEA Guidebook Successful update of the Guidebook. TFEIP, EC (DG Env, Clima), EEA, Germany Denmark, CONCAWE, Eurocontrol, Eurometaux, European Aluminium No funding for current/future work… EMEP core budget? Condensables/Semi-volatiles No significant contribution to TFMM’s work. Questionnaire issued… but no follow up!

5 Proposed Work for 2017 & Onwards

6 TFEIP 2017 (25th Anniversary)
2. Core Programme TFEIP 2017 (25th Anniversary) 10-12th May, Krakow, Poland EECCA Session Workshop on uncertainties & QA/QC

7 2. Technical Review of Emission Inventories
Technical Corrections Guidance document required… before May 2017 NECD Reviews Slightly different approaches being developed Need to ensure alignment between NECD & CLRTAP reviews as far as possible. The “new” approach to CLRTAP reviews will drive improvements in inventories.

8 3. Guidebook Development
Long-term goal: Secure annual budget/funding for the Guidebook Request EMEP Budget (emerging issues) for: Agriculture NH3 from Livestock Review NH3 EFs for livestock & manure management Could be undertaken/completed any time. Requires $30k Wood and Small-scale Combustion Further review of literature to provide updates to various sources in the Guidebook (including BC). Could be undertaken/completed any time.

9 4. Condensables/SVOC Short-term targets Long-term aims
Draft short paper for Parties on next steps Challenges & solutions, summary of Guidebook information, practicalities of extending Guidebook content. Requires $10k (ideally work completed before May 2017!) Long-term aims Standardise reporting to “condensable PM” Research needed to better understand emissions of the organic component of PM.

10 5. Black Carbon Short-term Broader questions
Clarify with EMEP the priority level of work on BC Review the national emissions inventories currently available (in and outside EMEP) Recommendations for improvements to GB and inventories All of this would require funding… from somewhere Broader questions Should we compile information for countries outside the EMEP region? … and for pollutants other than BC? Funding sources?

11 Summary Core programme OK. Requesting funds for: Discussion points:
Agriculture NH3 EFs: $30k Wood Combustion EFs: $30k Conden.PM/SVOC paper: $10k Discussion points: How can we establish funding for the Guidebook? Who should fund BC work? Should the Guidebook “grow” in geographical scope?

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