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Presentation on theme: "Colons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colons

2 Right examples These are my favorite foods: guava, mangoes, and bananas. There is only one reason to miss class: if you’re dying. Her problem was obvious: she trusted other people too much. A famous president once said this: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Wrong examples My favorite foods are: guava, mangoes, and bananas. The only reason to miss class is: if you’re dying. Her problem was: she trusted other people too much. A famous president once said: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

3 Colon Use 1: Lists Use a colon to introduce lists ONLY if the group of words before the colon is a complete sentence. RIGHT: The instruments in the string section are these: violin, cello, and bass. WRONG: The instruments in the string section are: violin, cello, and bass. RIGHT: These are the things I need: moose, deer, and antlers. WRONG: I need: moose, deer, and antlers. The following, as follows*

4 Colon Use 2: explanation
Introduce material that explains or restates what was just stated First part=unclear, vague For emphasis or surprise My favorite courses are in the sciences: astronomy, botany, and geology are all on my current schedule. The cause of the supernova was obvious: a star exploded Sharon was looking for only one quality in a husband: money.

5 Colon use 3: some quotes To introduce long or formal quotations
The part before the colon must be a complete sentence WRONG: Chief Joseph said: “From where the sun stands now, I will fight no more forever.” RIGHT: Chief Joseph said, “From where the sun stands now, I will fight no more forever.” RIGHT: Chief Joseph said this: “From where the sun stands now, I will fight no more forever.” ****this, these, the following, as follows*****

6 Colon use 4: Subtitles Sometimes titles will have a subtitle after a colon My Bondage and My Freedom: Frederick Douglass’s Autobiography It’s the same rule about explanation, just in a title

7 Pin the Colon on the sentence

8 I Gave you the newspaper for one reason to clean the windows.

9 For the recipe, you will need milk, sugar, flour, and eggs.

10 My father ended every conversation the same way “Don’t give up.”

11 I have invited the following people to my party Kevin, Amy, and Keeley.

12 There is only one way to succeed Work Hard.

13 Shannon always ate the same lunch a sandwich and an apple.
: Shannon always ate the same lunch a sandwich and an apple.

14 I know why you like her she is rich.

15 A wise man once said “Don’t build your bridges with straw.”
, A wise man once said “Don’t build your bridges with straw.” No colon

16 This is a famous saying that I used to hear a lot don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

17 The students thought the book was interesting, intriguing, and Baffling.

18 There is one thing that this sentence needs a colon.

19 This sentence needs a colon.
No, it does not

20 : These movies won awards at the show The Piano, Jurassic Park, and Schindler’s list.

21 The first thing you should do when you’re taking a test is read the directions.

22 He became a writing lab tutor because he loved grammar and reading essays.

23 I made the pizza perfectly except for one thing I forgot the sauce.

24 There’s only one person you can call on to help you God.

25 Some sentences need colons some sentences need semicolons.
; Some sentences need colons some sentences need semicolons. True story

26 I’ll give you one clue look up.
: I’ll give you one clue look up.

27 One of life’s hardest questions is why.

28 Dashes

29 Dash Use 1: A Shift Indicates a shift in thought, subject, or tone
I never knew that going to college could be so fun—but then again, I didn’t know it was going to be so hard either

30 Dash use 2: Extra Stuff Can be used to set off “extra stuff” or nonessential information in a sentence My father—a practicing dentist—is a strong believer in flossing. **Dashes replace the words “who is”, “that is”, or “which is” sometimes

31 Dash Use 3: Explanation Like colons, dashes can signal an explanation or clarification of what was already stated I used to like Biology—the study of living things.

32 Remember: A dash is made by typing twice

33 REvise A week ago or was it two my parrot Mr. Biggle refused to talk. The candidate lacks only one thing, brains.

34 REvise The party was a success there are two gaping holes in the plaster there’s nothing left to eat in the house the host is still sleeping in the bathtub.

35 REvise Our get-rich-quick scheme is foolproof you pay us money, and we get rich quick! Bruce, how nice to see you after your trip to Paris, or was it Rome?

36 REvise Adrian lived for one thing; fly-fishing. There are three things that you can’t learn at University; ambition, personality, and common sense.

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