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The future of Statistical Production

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Presentation on theme: "The future of Statistical Production"— Presentation transcript:

1 The future of Statistical Production
CSPA The future of Statistical Production

2 Context High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics
Created by the Conference of European Statisticians in 2010 Vision and strategy endorsed by CES in 2011/2012

3 HLG Projects Expert Groups

4 2013


6 If statistical organisations work together to define a common statistical production architecture ...

7 ... sharing is easier!

8 CSPA development project
Architecture Proof of Concept

9 Project Outcomes The CSPA approach works It promises increased:
sharing interoperability collaboration opportunities

10 2014

11 Implementation of the CSPA

12 Services built Seasonal adjustment – France, Australia, New Zealand
Confidentiality on the fly – Canada, Australia SVG generator – OECD SDMX transform – OECD Sample selection – Netherlands Linear error localisation – Netherlands Linear rule checking – Netherlands Error correction – Italy By the end of the year we will have several CSPA-compliant services (or components) in use. There are 8 currently being developed. Some in collaboration between organisations, others within individual organisations, but the important point is that they will share common specifications.

13 2015

14 More CSPA services CSPA Implementation - 2015
Specify together, develop individually Catalogue extensions Sustainable governance and support mechanisms Logical Information Model More CSPA services

15 Strategic Investment Planning
Sharing plans between organisations Finding partners with similar priorities Trialing an Investment Comparison Tool

16 The CSPA Catalogue The catalogue (which is still in development) is the doorway to find information (a ‘catalogue’ of information, if you will). It will tell you information about what services already exist, what services are being built and who is building them, who has plans for building things in the future, and also allows you to share your plans and identify potential collaborators. The catalogue is currently made up of 5 layers, which are illustrated in this picture. The 5 existing layers are: Knowledge base/ virtual standards helpdesk: this already exists! It is an online resource where you can access all the standards (GSBPM, GSIM, CSPA, SDMX and DDI) Business plans and interests: This is still in development, and an initial form will be released this year. This will show what organizations are planning to work on, to allow you to get involved too. Business capabilities: This is still in development, and an initial form will be released this year. This will show what organizations’ existing capabilities are, so you can learn from those who have already done the things you are trying to do. Statistical services: This currently exists, being hosted by Eurostat. This is a list (and information about) all the existing CSPA compliant services Technical/supporting services: This currently exists, and is currently on (although may be moved in future). This is where all the actual services are stored (at a technical level, ie. code etc.) More layers of the catalogue are currently in development, so keep an eye on this for more excitement!

17 Proposed new governance

18 CSPA Logical Information Model
GSIM and CSPA CSPA Logical Information Model


20 The way forward: Build the LIM as we need it!
LIM sprint, Paris, November

21 New Services Probabilistic record linkage service
Classification retrieval service Confidentialised analysis of microdata service Web dissemination service

22 2015 project: Expected outputs
1. CSPA v CSPA Template Guidance 3. CSPA Implementation Guidance 4. Using the CSPA Logical Information Model 5. Logical Information Model Documentation 6. Catalogue User Guide 7. Investment Catalogue 8. Capability Catalogue 9. Updated CSPA brochures and webpage

23 Get involved! More Information Anyone is welcome to contribute!
HLG Wiki: LinkedIn group: “Modernising official statistics”

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