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Why River Valleys? 1. Offered rich soils for agriculture and fresh water 2. Tended to be located in places that could offer protection from nomadic invaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Why River Valleys? 1. Offered rich soils for agriculture and fresh water 2. Tended to be located in places that could offer protection from nomadic invaders."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why River Valleys? 1. Offered rich soils for agriculture and fresh water 2. Tended to be located in places that could offer protection from nomadic invaders

3 Geography

4 The Fertile Crescent Arc of land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea in Southwest Asia Why the “Fertile” Crescent?

5 One land…Two Rivers Mesopotamia means = “land between the rivers”
Tigris River and Euphrates River Both rivers flooded once a year and left thick bed of silt. Silt: rich, new soil farmers could plant and harvest enormous quantities of wheat and barley What problems could flooding bring?

6 Natural Problems with Geography
Sumer’s Solution Unpredictable flooding Lack of natural barriers/small area (size of Massachusetts) Lack of natural resources (wood, metal, stone) Creation of Irrigation Built defensive wall of mud bricks Trade grains, cloth, and tools with people of the desert & mountains

7 Sumer The Sumerians stand out in history as one of the first groups of people to form a civilization. Sumerians had built a number of cities, each surrounded by fields of barley and wheat.

8 Sumer Although these cities shared the same culture, they developed their own governments, each with its own rulers. Each city and the surrounding land it controlled formed a city-state. A city-state functioned much as an independent country does today. Sumerian city-states included Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Umma, and Ur.

9 Political Power of the Priests
Sumer’s earliest governments were controlled by temple priests Farmers believed they needed blessings for success of their crops Priests were the middle man for the Gods Priests demanded portion of farmer crops as tax Why do their eyes look so big?

10 Political Later followed Hereditary rulers: when the power is passed down to family members Why did power switch from Priests to Kings? Sargon of Akkad CREATED THE WORLD’S FIRST EMPIRE

11 Economy • Metal tools and weapons (bronze, iron)
• Increasing agricultural surplus (better tools, plows, irrigation) • Increasing trade along rivers – traded with Egypt • Development of the world’s first cities • Specialization of labor What tools do you recognize?

12 Religion Belief in multiple gods: polytheism
Sumerians had 1000s (close to 3000) of gods for everyday purposes Religion major part of everyday life Why? Society relied on farming and so needed to pray to the gods for good harvests Gods could be angered at any moment and to keep them happy Sumerians: Built impressive ziggurats or temples to sacrifice food, wine and animals Souls of the dead wandered in the land of no return WHAT WAS A HUMANS PURPOSE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD?


14 Religion Temples: Ziggurats Surrounded by wall for protection
Served varied purposes: store grain, ceremonies, sacrifices


16 Sumerian Society Slaves Ordinary Sumerian people Kings and Priests
What do you think rigid class system means? Kings and Priests Wealthy merchants Ordinary Sumerian people Slaves Rigid class system where slavery was accepted

17 Women Could hold property Join lower ranks of priesthood
There were very few women scribes Scholars think that girls were not allowed to attend schools Is this common in the ANCIENT WORLD?

18 Intellectual Epic of Gilgamesh
Myths and legends recorded in this long poem One of the earliest works of literature in the world What is the importance of this writing?


20 How do these inventions help Sumerian/Mesopotamian society?
Achievements Science and Technology Invented the wheel, the sail, the plow First to use bronze. Developed system of writing Built irrigation systems, buildings, surveyed flooded fields. How do these inventions help Sumerian/Mesopotamian society?

21 Achievements Calendars Number system

22 Conquerors Under the leadership of individual kings, leaders start looking to expand their city-states Why? Land (crops, people, crafts)=wealth This marks the beginning of empires Empire: a group of nations or peoples ruled by one leader

23 1st Empire: Sargon Dynasty, 2340 BCE- 2125 BCE
Founder: Sargon of Akkad Adopted many of the Sumerian practices/beliefs for his empire Expanded his city-state from the north of Sumer to the Persian Gulf


25 2000 BCE: Babylonians Hammurabi created an empire out of the former Akkadian territories Relocated capital to Babylon Maintained Sumerian practices Language and religion Hammurabi wanted to stabilize his rule by creating a standard code of law



28 Hammurabi’s Code First uniform code of law
Meaning it was the same throughout the empire Engraved on stone and placed throughout the empire First copy found on a stele in 1901 Now in the Louvre in Paris

29 The Code Itself 281 laws (but no #13!)
Showed that the government played an important role in arbitration In other words, the government helped to settle arguments Based on retribution An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Laws were applied differently to different genders and different social classes

30 Tigris Now

31 Tigris Now

32 Euphrates now

33 Euphrates Now

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