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Zoning Map Modernization with GIS

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Presentation on theme: "Zoning Map Modernization with GIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zoning Map Modernization with GIS
Marc Watson GIS Coordinator, Elkhart County

2 Agenda Background Project Objectives Methodology Project Products
Workflow Scripts Project Products Zoning Map Book Zoning History Wrap Up

3 Background – Old Maps Original zoning maps adopted on 10/30/1959
Letter size (8.5x11 inches) 2291 rezoning petitions 71% (1632) of which were approved Official zoning maps large 24x36 inch sheets Most 1:4800 (1” =400’) scale Rezoning Petitions tracked on “Q-map” Scanned in 2004 to create GIS layer

4 Official Zoning Map Example

5 Q-map and Index Page

6 Background – Problems / Issues
Two zoning maps (GIS layer and Paper Maps) Maintained by two different people Lack of attributes No indication of source ordinance for most zones Questions about accuracy of maps Both GIS layer and Paper Maps

7 Background - Project Initiated to compliment Zoning Ordinance update
Verification milestone took 895 days to complete Approximately 1061 man hours (7.37 months) Usually 2-3 people working on different phases Primary Project contributors Liz Gunden Tasha Dennis Marc Watson New maps derived from this project were officially adopted along with the ordinance update.

8 Project Objectives Create a GIS zoning feature class
Complete zoning ordinance attributes for all features Verify accuracy of zoning map Standardize and reorganize folders Create a new 11x17” paper map from GIS features Publish zoning layer to public web map Generate Zoning History

9 Methodology Key Attributes
File ID Status District Planed Unit Development (PUD) Commitment Final Action Date Each folder was given a sticker to track workflow progress

10 Folder Organization Old Method New Method
Organized by Township and Petition’s Name New Method Organized by File ID, which is based on the Ordinance Number Folders without an Ordinance (withdrawn, etc) were given a unique ID based on the final action date and a sequential number

11 Workflow – Three Phases
1 – Data Entry Completed by Planning Staff 2 – GIS Phase Completed by GIS Staff only 3 - Relabel and reorganize folders Date Entry GIS Phase Reorganize Folders

12 Phase 1 – Data Entry Access Database used to capture attributes
Created Form to control entry of data Allowed some fields to auto populate Kept track of sequential numbers for W and GIS File IDs Generated new folder labels Access Database allowed non GIS staff to enter all attributes. Planning staff filtered out non approved folder. So GIS staff could focus on approved folder first.

13 Access Database Form

14 Phase 2 – GIS Phase Due to technical nature only one person work on this phase Used stacked polygon feature class Allowed capture of zoning history Folders could be processed in any order. Didn’t require editing of overlaps Attributes pulled into GIS from Access Database using the File ID

15 Phase 3 – Relabel and Reorganize
Used Access Database to generate new labels Reorganized by File ID (generally the Ordinance Number) and PUD Name Straight rezoning were stored by File ID Rezoning tied to a Planned Unit Development were stored with the other PUD documents

16 Scripts Import Attributes from Access DB
Sort Stacked Polygons by date (newest on top) Create a derivative feature class showing only the most current approved zone (no overlaps) Read in directory of zoning documents and relate to zoning polygons Create Zoning Map Book pages

17 Zoning DB Attribute Transfer
Use to compare or transfer values between the Access DB (DB) and Feature Class (FC) Reads in File IDs from both DB and FC then looks for duplicates and missing ID in the sets. Outputs a CSV file with File ID discrepancies and value differences

18 Zoning Sort Inputs Derived Outputs Stacked zoning polygons
Aggreated zoning districts Non Overlapping polygons Spatially sorted stacked polygons Stacked zoning polygons Inputs Stacked zoning polygons City boundaries Derived Outputs Spatially sorted stacked zoning polygons Most recently approved zoning on top Non overlapping zoning polygons Aggregated zoning districts District, PUD & Commitment must match to aggregate

19 Link Zoning Documents Scans a folder of zoning documents
Appends new file paths to Table in File GDB and flags file paths that have been removed Extracts the File ID from file name FGDB Table is used in relationship class linked to Zoning polygons

20 Generate Zoning Map Book
Uses a derivative zoning feature class in which similar zones have been dissolved Uses Data Driven Pages and two map documents to create facing pages Appends all 256 pages together into a single PDF

21 Project Products – Map Book
Created an empty template in Word Used Heading to Create Bookmarks Generated Table of Contents Page Exported to PDF Used script to generate maps with alternating page number locations (for duplex printing) Used Replace function in Adobe to replace empty map pages and preserve bookmarks

22 Map Book Example


24 Project Products – Zoning History
Since we used stacked polygons we’re able to use the Time functions in ArcMap to visually review how zoning has changed over the last half century. We can create reports of past zoning petitions Can easily lookup zoning prior to annexation

25 Zoning History Example

26 Project Products – Miscellaneous
A complete zoning layer is published to our public web map Our permitting software (EnerGov) can automatically pull in current zoning Faster processing of approved rezoning ordinances Single authoritative source for County zoning

27 Thank You Questions?

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