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a) Define the term concentric muscle action

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Presentation on theme: "a) Define the term concentric muscle action"— Presentation transcript:

1 a) Define the term concentric muscle action
a) Define the term concentric muscle action. (1) b) Using a sporting example, outline a concentric muscle action. (2) Concentric contractions involve the muscle shortening while under tension

2 Using Newton’s laws of motion, outline how a swimmer achieves initial forward momentum from a dive. (3)

3 Two rugby players go into a tackle
Two rugby players go into a tackle. Player A has a mass of 71 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s/s. Player B has a mass of 83 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 3m/s/s. Using Newton’s Second Law of Motion, calculate the resultant force at the point of impact. You must show your working. (3)

4 Two rugby players go into a tackle
Two rugby players go into a tackle. Player A has a mass of 92 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s/s. Player B has a mass of 65 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 3m/s/s. Use Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion to: (a) calculate the resultant force at the point of impact. You must show your working. (4) (b) identify which player the resultant force favours (1) a) Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion - force = mass x acceleration (F = MA) (1) Player A: F = 92 x 2 = 184 N (1) Player B: F = 65 x 3 = 195 N (1) Resultant force of 11 N (1) b) Player B

5 Using sporting examples, explain the difference between rotation and circumduction. (4)



8 Discuss the likely effects of an unhealthy lifestyle on the body
Discuss the likely effects of an unhealthy lifestyle on the body. Use your knowledge and understanding from across the course of study to answer this question. (15)


10 Using examples, outline the two types of isotonic muscle action. (4)

11 Describe the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle on the cardiovascular system. (4)

12 Analyse the effect of a warm-up on performance
Analyse the effect of a warm-up on performance. Use your knowledge and understanding from across the course of study to answer this question. (12) Continued….


14 Outline what is meant by an unhealthy lifestyle. (4)

15 Structural responses provide functional benefits
Structural responses provide functional benefits. Explain how four structural responses experienced during a warm up would lead to functional improvements in a performance. (8)

16 Using sporting examples, examine how the body uses third class levers at the elbow joint. (6)

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