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1-6B Division of Real Numbers

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1 1-6B Division of Real Numbers
Algebra 1

2 Division Rule

3 The quotient of two integers with the same sign is pos.
p/p = p or +/+ = + n/n = p or -/- = + + = positive number - = negative number

4 The quotient of two integers with different signs is neg.
p/n = n or +/- = - n/p = n or -/+ = - n=negative number p=positive number

5 Example 1 a.) b.) c.) d.)

6 Dividing Fractions –chg to multiplication & reciprocal of 2nd #

7 Assignment

8 Example 2

9 Example 2 Simplify the expression

10 Example 3 Evaluate the expression when x = -5 and y = -1 a.) c.) b.)

11 Example 4 Find the domain of the function. a.) b.)

12 Velocity v = d/t v= velocity
d= displacement (ft) t = time (seconds) Ex. 5 A mountain climber descends 300 feet in 50 minutes. What is her velocity?

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