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Be a Thinker! Identify the organelle and its function.

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2 Be a Thinker! Identify the organelle and its function.

3 Be a Thinker! Identify the organelle and its function.

4 Be a Thinker! Identify the organelle and its function.

5 Be a Thinker! Identify the organelle and its function.

6 The basic unit of all life is
A) the cell B) tissues C) systems D) organs

7 2.3 Organisms Can Be Single-Celled or Multi-celled
Copy This Down Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn? She had mittens! 2.3 Organisms Can Be Single-Celled or Multi-celled Objectives: 1. Understand the differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms 2. To look at various microorganisms that are unicellular and multicellular.

8 Being Knowledgeable: Definitions
Copy This Down Cells are the individual, living units that make up all living organisms. Multicellular Made of 2 or more cells Unicellular Made of just one cell Micro-organisms Generally unicellular organisms that can be seen only through a microscope

9 Being Knowledgeable: Unicellular Vs. Multi-cellular
Copy This Down Being Knowledgeable: Unicellular Vs. Multi-cellular Unicellular organisms Developed specialized structures to perform functions such as eating, moving, reproducing, excreting and reacting to stimuli

10 Being Knowledgeable: Unicellular Vs. Multi-cellular
Copy This Down Being Knowledgeable: Unicellular Vs. Multi-cellular Multi-cellular organisms Rely on many very specialized cells to perform functions such as to eat, to move, to reproduce, etc… All the cells interact with one another Ex. To eat- cells for digestion, cells for absorption, cells for carrying nutrients throughout body, cells for the muscle to move

11 Being Open-Minded: Discovering new creatures
Copy This Down Being Open-Minded: Discovering new creatures Amoeba Lives in water Moves around using pseudopodia Foot-like projections ‘False feet’ A pseudopod is extended and the cytoplasm fills it Moves very slow Also uses the pseudopodia to eat by surrounding their food (algae, bacteria, plant cells) to create a vacuole

12 Amoeba

13 Amoeba Eating

14 Amoeba Eating

15 Being Open-Minded: Discovering new creatures
Copy This Down Being Open-Minded: Discovering new creatures Paramecium Moves very fast in the fresh water Covered in cilia to move Hair like structures that move back & forth Cilia also used to capture food (algae) by channeling food to an oral groove Forms a food vacuole to be digested

16 Paramecium



19 King Kong Vs Godzilla!

20 Be a Communicator: With a partner, is this a unicellular or multi-cellular organism. How do you know??

21 Be Open Minded: Do you think unicellular organisms are simplistic vs multi-cellular organisms??

22 Be an Inquirer: Mini-Lab!
Let’s look at some micro-organisms! Determine: 1) is the organism unicellular or multi-cellular. 2) some of the organelles that you have studied. 3) practice diagramming a microorganism of your choice.

23 Being Principled: Homework!
Copy This Down Being Principled: Homework! P. 114 Check & Reflect Questions 1, 2, 4 Video or microorganisms in pond water:

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