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Preparing Written Reports

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Written Reports"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Written Reports
Effective Technical Communication ES205 Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems

2 Our topics today Guidelines and Standards for Writing Assignments
Types of reports for this course Elements of each type of report Characteristics common to all formats Evaluation criteria

3 Guidelines and Standards for Writing Assignments
A manual for the common reports expected of engineering students Emphasizes clarity of communication quality of technical information Keep on hand for next year

4 Types of reports in ES205 Laboratory worksheets Memoranda
Informal reports Formal reports

5 Elements of each type of report

6 Laboratory worksheets
A prepared question and answer sheet that you complete as you work through the lab. Record data Answer questions in more than a superficial manner. Comment on graphs and results.

7 Memo Assumes the recipient is knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Comes directly to the purpose of the message. Limited to 1 or 2 pages (unless the material warrants a longer submission) No signature; initialed by sender(s).

8 Memo Header Online: template for 1st page of memo Followed by
To: From: Date: Subject: Online: template for 1st page of memo Followed by Subject and purpose Develop the subject Conclusions, recommendations, and decisions.

9 Informal report Communicates results in a time-efficient manner (with respect to recipient). Structure Title page. What was the problem?  goal/purpose What is the answer?  results/discussion Source of your answer?  supporting Not chronological.

10 Formal report Title Page Summary or Abstract Table of Contents
Introduction Body Results with Discussion Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix

11 Formal report Title page Summary or abstract Template online
Start with brief overview. Include all key information from full report. Can substitute for the full report. Several rewrites

12 Formal report Table of contents Introduction See guidelines for format
Purpose Scope of work Structure of the report to come

13 Formal report Body of report, section titles as required Theory
Apparatus, procedure Experimental results Discussion of results Provides all information to duplicate the experiment and discuss results.

14 Formal report Results with discussion
What was found out; what does it mean? Compare to theory or known results. Quantitative interpretation. Blatantly explain what graphs indicate.

15 Formal report Conclusions and recommendations
Must be supported by the results! Repeat or restate results highlights. Decisions or recommendations. Discuss shortcomings, limitations, or problems with the experiment and suggest possible action to remedy the problems.

16 Formal report Appendices Work not directly discussed in the report.
May include References Sample calculations Equipment list Experimental equipment setup and schematics

17 Common characteristics of all technical reports

18 Structure of the technical story
Objectives: what you tried to do Equipment/Procedure: how you did it Results: what you found out Conclusions/Recommendations: what it means

19 Graphical elements Tables to consolidate large amounts of data
Graphs to demonstrate trends, patterns, and relationships. Explain inferences that should be drawn Online --- more detail.

20 Results and conclusions
Observed results versus expected values Significance of each graph Possible experimental errors Be quantitative … beware of that old standby “human error” Be curious….”why did this occur?” Conclusions based on objectives and results Do not over-reach

21 Evaluation of reports

22 Grading a worksheet Collect all data Answer all questions … correctly
Attachments Complete sample calculations Correct format of graphs

23 Grading a memo Format Body Initials on memo Purpose
Give the important facts or data What decisions or conclusions have been or should be made from this data. Coherence and clarity Initials on memo Indicating all team members agree to report findings

24 Grading a report Format Technical story is coherent and clear Purpose
Usually requires more than one editor in the group Don’t just cut and paste sections together Purpose Results Credibility

25 General criteria The purpose or goal of the report is
Well stated and easily found Substantive The primary results and conclusions Are clearly stated and supported by well-integrated figures Are thoroughly discussed, with inferences drawn The report is technically credible

26 For more information On report content, organization, format
Writing guidelines and standards On graphics Guidelines for graphic elements On evaluation criteria Rubric for grading reports (in packet)

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