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Chapter 15 & 16: Ocean Waters and Dynamics

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1 Chapter 15 & 16: Ocean Waters and Dynamics
Salinity = salt content 55% Chlorine salt 30 % Sodium salt (NaCl = table salt) 7.7% Sulfate salt Other Salts: Magnesium salt Calcium salt Potassium salt Miscelleneous salts

2 Ocean Zones Surface Zone Transition Zone Deep Zone Ocean Bottom

3 One BIG Ocean! With rocks… And Ice.

4 The ocean tides are caused by (1) the pull of gravity from the moon
(2) the inertia from the spinning of the earth (3) the lighter pull of gravity by the sun. Low Tide High Tide

5 World Ocean Salinity

6 What affects salinity? Glacial Ice Melting

7 What affects salinity? Runoff

8 What affects salinity? Evaporation

9 World Ocean Temperature
Ocean temperatures vary based on the amount of solar radiation received. More solar radiation is received at the equators and less is received at the poles. 22-Year Time Lapse of Ocean Temperature

10 World Ocean Temperature
Thermocline = layer of ocean water from meters deep where there is a rapid change in temperature. 22-Year Time Lapse of Ocean Temperature

11 Ocean density is affected by salinity and temperature.
World Ocean Density Ocean density is affected by salinity and temperature. Freshwater is less dense – no salt. Ocean water is more dense – high salt.

12 World Ocean Circulation
The water in the world ocean circulates based on its density.

13 World Ocean Circulation
The water in the world ocean circulates based on its density. El Nino Interactive Ocean Currents Website Global Ocean Realm Video and Quiz

14 World Ocean Circulation
The water in the world ocean circulates based on its density. Interactive Ocean Currents Website El Nino

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