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Optimization of the LiDAR optical design for measurement of the aerosol extinction vertical profile. Alessia Sannino *1, Antonella Boselli 3, Gaetano Sasso4,

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Presentation on theme: "Optimization of the LiDAR optical design for measurement of the aerosol extinction vertical profile. Alessia Sannino *1, Antonella Boselli 3, Gaetano Sasso4,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimization of the LiDAR optical design for measurement of the aerosol extinction vertical profile.
Alessia Sannino *1, Antonella Boselli 3, Gaetano Sasso4, Nicola Spinelli1, Xuan Wang2 . 1 Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia (CNISM) and Dip. Fisica “E. Pancini”, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy , 2 Istituto Superconduttori, Materiali innovativi e Dispositivi (SPIN) – CNR, Italy , 2 Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale (IMAA) – CNR, Italy ,4ALA Advanced LiDAR Applications s.r.l., Napoli, Italy

2 OVERVIEW Why low range atmosphere information are so important
LiDAR capabilities Our proposal Results and Conclusions 25 September, Anacapri

INTRODUCTION Radius (range covered:107) Anthropogenic Source ARMOSPHERIC PARTICLES MOLECULAS AEROSOL Shape p, T → δ(r) Geographical source Generation processes Natural Source 25 September, Anacapri

4 INTRODUCTION Lidar Equation: Overlap Function Backscattering coeff.
Extinction coeff. Overlap Function A. L. Oramas COAXIAL BIAXIAL 25 September, Anacapri 25 September, Capri

500mm 400mm Output laser wavelength 355nm Repetition Frequency 2kHz Telescope 200mm Cassegrain F/n 2.5 Channels 355S, 355p, 386 Weight 35kg 290mm 25 September, Capri 25 September, Anacapri

6 RESULT I Raman Overlap (res.60m) Horizontal Overlap (res.15m)
compared with Simulated Overlap function (res 15m) 120m 25 September, Anacapri 25 September, Capri

7 Comparison of the signals measured with different Lidar systems
RESULT II Comparison of the signals measured with different Lidar systems MALIA is - the fixed system based at the Physics Department of University “Federico II” di Napoli Actris and EARLINET network. 3 beta and 2 alpha 2 depolarization channels telescope field of view at 1.33 mrad 300 mm Newtonian telescope 532nm and 355nm nm 25 September, Anacapri 25 September, Capri

8 RESULT III Comparison of the signals measured with different
Lidar systems ACTRIS facilities Cassegrain telescope 200mm/48mm Field of view: 2.5 mrad 25 September, Capri 25 September, Anacapri

A study on several optical assembly has been conducted in order to find the best configuration system which guaranteed a good signal started from the lowest possible altitude. The optimized optical system has been obtained with a choice on F-number of 2.5. This optimized optical system has been realized for a compact Lidar system which allowed to test both with simulated and measured results its Overlap function. The test results shown an Overlap function of a few tens on meters (~120m). 25 September, Anacapri 25 September, Capri

10 Thanks!

11 RESULT III Comparison of the signals measured with different
Lidar systems ACTRIS facilities Cassegrain telescope 200mm/48mm Field of view: 2.5 mrad 25 September, Capri 25 September, Anacapri

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