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Chip Harris Westin Technology Solutions, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Chip Harris Westin Technology Solutions, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chip Harris Westin Technology Solutions, LLC. Changing or Upgrading Your Billing System Minimizing the Pain of Change While Improving Customer Service

2 Changing or Upgrading Your Billing System So, How Long Has It Been?

3 Changing or Upgrading Your Billing System Relieve the Pain, Achieve the Gains
Understanding the pain of change Can we be successful? What would success look like? Strategy/Plan for success

4 Why the Wait? Concerns and Pain Related to Change
Cost $$$ - “Lease or Own?” (site license, hosted, or SaaS?) Impact on staff – time, priorities, retirements, IT resources Change (technology, functionality, business processes, training, support) How your organization handle change … and mistakes (Change Management) Competing organizational needs/priorities Who will own the project (and the changes)? (IT project vs. business project) Testing, conversion, and data integrity, reports (upgrading and changing systems) Training – who will develop training materials, deliver training, and ensure engagement? Impact on customers / customer service – changes and possible complaints Why the Wait? Concerns and Pain Related to Change

5 Pain If You Don’t Make A Change or Upgrade
Unable to implement leading-edge functionality and related services Unable to meet customer demands (keep up with the Jones’) Loss of support, end of life for system and/or components Continue to do LOTS of manual work Unable to access and leverage data across the utility Continue to work in silos Unable to improve efficiencies – “Do more with less” Negative impacts on employee development and morale The cost of “settle” Pain If You Don’t Make A Change or Upgrade

6 How Much Change Would It Be? (Assessment)
What are the needs and gaps? What are the drivers and priorities for change? Need for improvement, we know we are falling behind Having to say “No” to our customers and staff too often Loss of technical support (supported vs. unsupported versions of CIS and interfacing systems, as well as supporting IT infrastructure) Perceptions/misconceptions and realities of costs vs. benefits (business case) What would change (scope)? Just billing? Interfacing systems? Business processes – manual to automated? Technology? Vendors? How Much Change Would It Be? (Assessment)

7 Can We Manage the Change Successfully?
Top Down Leadership / Bottom Up Buy-in Who will make the decisions? - Roles/Responsibilities? Project Team Executive Management Middle Management Project Management How will the decisions be made? – Process for making, documenting, and communicating decisions Do you need a governance structure? Who will do the work? – Internal resources? Backfill? Consultants? Will you need formal change management to help ensure user adoption and organizational readiness? Can We Manage the Change Successfully?

8 It is a PROJECT (Needs/Gaps, Requirements, Solutions, Assistance?)
($$$ / Resources) (Resources - People, Priorities)

9 Upgrading or Changing Systems
Challenges and Opportunities Technology & Business Process Improvements Enhance Customer Management CIS SOLUTION CMMS Integration Strategy Development Call Center Operations Self-service IVR, Bill Pay Meter Management AMR/AMI Route Optimization GIS Integration FIS Integration Service Order Management It’s not just about billing anymore – Mobile workforce (MWM) - WIP Meter data management/portals Call center metrics, outbound calling, customer alerts, self-service portals Electronic payments/billing Integration with GIS and Asset Management As ad hoc tools/solutions are added to address acute pain points, older billing systems get more disconnected/obsolete

10 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
How well are your Technology, Processes, and People working together across your utility – especially from an “end-to-end perspective”?

11 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
What are your major pain points from a customer perspective based on the high level utility process below? Confess the PAIN

12 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
New Service Requests Pain: Meter sets performed by Operations in Asset Management System (CMMS) manual handoff requiring manual entry into CIS results in estimations, back billing, and reconciliation contributes to delinquency, collections, write-offs Process Service Orders Pain: High volume of delinquent cut-offs and meter reading exceptions – “whack-a-mole” Repeated phone calls and field trips – no WIP view Difficult to manage volume of service orders and phone calls, as well as priorities

13 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
Meter Reading and Meter Management Pain: Meter replacements performed by Ops in CMMS conflicts between a meter as an asset and a cash register, especially without integration between CMMS & CIS high volume of meter repairs and replacements manual handoff from CMMS, manual entry into CIS results in errors, estimations, back billing, and resulting reconciliation

14 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
Call Center Pain: High abandonment rate – repeated calls (no view of WIP) Long wait times Delinquency Pain: High volume of delinquent cut-offs Delinquent fee to cover costs, but increases account balance Customers think they have paid, get cut off again Customer must call back with confirmation # for turn–on order Turn-on orders must be generated manually

15 Challenges and Opportunities – Pain vs. Gain
Payments Pain: Online payments not effectively integrated with CIS/FMS Lags in posting payments (manual processes to close gaps) Customer must call back with confirmation # for turn –on order Turn-on orders must be generated manually Payment vendor provides customer information updates file, but without integration, updates to CIS are manual

16 Challenges – Sources of Pain / Opportunities for Improvement
Outdated technology, with limited integration and data sharing Inefficient business processes rework manual work excessive handoffs duplicate activities long cycle times Long wait times People working with limited tools in sub optimized silos, with limited awareness of upstream and downstream activities – potentially contributing to the pain of each other

17 How is Technology Driving the Need for Better Planning?
New Technology is not a Free Lunch! Automation and integration create opportunities and challenges Drives the need to understand, manage, and report on how work and transactions flow across the organization Automation takes no prisoners! Focus on handoffs is critical! Automation can fortify operational silos and sub-optimization Identify points of leverage and opportunities for synergy/alignment Coordinated planning and execution is essential for success with both technology and business processes improvement

18 Where You Want to Be (Not Falling Behind) – Integrated Technology and Optimized Business Processes for Improved Customer Service Customer on-line information access (push & pull) CSR real-time access to utility-wide information AMI for real time reads and MDM for analytics Mobile workforce management Asset management integration “Spatially-enabled” with GIS across the utility BI and dashboards IVR, telephony integration, customer engagement

19 Do You Have A Strategy and Plan For Pain Relief?
Business Policies Levels of Service KPIs Performance Targets Decision Support Needs Transactional Processing Needs Data Processing Data Storage & Retention Data Analytics Business Strategies Business Processes Data Management IT Resources & IT Processes Management Updates / Reviews / Reports Status / Progress Actual Performance / Performance Gaps to Targets Actionable Information Software Tools / Applications for Analytics and Trending Database Administration Data Analytics Close Gaps - No or insufficient Business Strategies No or insufficient Performance Metrics Lack of Policies to guide practices/processes Lack of Data Governance

20 Solution Strategy and Implementation Plan
Technology and Business Process Needs Assessment/Prioritization Market Analysis Resource Planning - Project Roles and Decision Processes Requirements Definition, RFP Development Solution/Vendor Evaluation and Selection Contract Development and Negotiations Project Planning, Scheduling, Change Management, and Implementation Solution Strategy and Implementation Plan

21 Questions? Chip Harris Senior Consultant Westin Technology Solutions, LLC Cell number =

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