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CONFLICT Conflict – A struggle between opposing characters or opposing forces. External Conflict – A struggle between a character with an outside force.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFLICT Conflict – A struggle between opposing characters or opposing forces. External Conflict – A struggle between a character with an outside force."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFLICT Conflict – A struggle between opposing characters or opposing forces. External Conflict – A struggle between a character with an outside force. Which may be another character, society, or a natural force. Internal Conflict – A struggle takes place within a character’s own mind. Such as opposing needs, desires, or emotions.

2 It is conflict, or struggle, that gives any story its energy and makes it interesting.
Common conflict: A conflict between two characters. A conflict between a character and a group or a whole society. A conflict between two groups or cultures. A conflict between a character and a natural force or event, such as a flood or the law of gravity. A conflict between a character and something in himself or herself: perhaps fear, shyness, homesickness, or an inability to make a decision.

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