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Welcome to PRO 2019 Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to PRO 2019 Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to PRO 2019 Update

2 Agenda The Course The Start The Race The Finish and Scoring
Special Topics Wednesday Nights Weekends Dinse Operations Questions / Discussion

3 The Course Picking a start location – ensure course is well located
Try to ensure equal sailing area on both sides of course Keep away from shorelines as much as possible Don’t be wed to permanent marks Use the L Flag (intermittent sounds) if you need to move Setting the line…length and line bias – cheat sheet and GPS Picking the course More challenging if not the normal N/NW or S/SW When to use permanent vs. drop marks Which course for which class Target duration - course length and # of legs – cheat sheet and GPS When in doubt, remember…can always shorten but can’t lengthen Especially if light air, think through shorten course options beforehand Directing the mark boat and making sure they get marks right Provide direction appropriate to skill level of mark boat personnel Mark boat checklist – cheat sheet “Perfect is the enemy of good”….Voltaire

4 The Start Use of the check-in sheet
Different sheets for different events Note: our SI’s do not require boats to “check in” with RC Importance of counting # of boats in each start Postponement…Light air protocol - cheat sheet Starting protocol – cheat sheet OCS protocol – same cheat sheet When stuff goes wrong…AP is your friend Ollie box has been put out to pasture More on the new iStart controller later

5 The Race Monitoring progress  think ahead…be proactive
Shortening Course Position of finish boat (can be either side of finish mark) Use of Mark boat if necessary Orange Flag vs. S Flag for Finish line Abandonment RRS 32.1…last sentence “considering the consequences…” New in last year’s SI’s - Use of N vs. N over A N over A is what is rigged on the Dinse Dealing with a missing or moving mark Plan A  replace with Mark Boat with M flag ASAP (don’t have to anchor) Plan B  options, what course should boats be sailing, etc.

6 The Finish and Scoring Finish Protocol – Cheat Sheet
Dealing with serious stragglers Letting them take their own time Time limits What if someone wants to lodge a protest? Or to request redress? Scoring Submit Race Results AND Check-in Sheets ASAP Hand hard copies to Charlie London if present Otherwise pictures or scanned copies to Charlie Legibility is critical !!!! if necessary transcribe results onto a fresh sheet

7 Special Topics Light Wind – Cheat Sheet Stormy weather
Start vs. Postponement Abandon after postponement Shorten Course Abandon after starting Restart after Abandonment Stormy weather Happening vs. Forecasted Postpone on shore Abandonment before racing Abandonment during racing Emergency Protocol

8 Wednesday Nights New for 2019
New Start sequence 3 starts: Etchells, JAM + Spin D, Spin A/B/C + Sportboats Use VHF Channel 72 for all communications (fleet and mark boats) Target duration / length of course – Cheat Sheet T or TWL for Spin/JAM  ~1X per month WL to P mark  1X per season or a drop mark in vicinity of P Mark/Proctor Shoal as appropriate need to consider water depth if using drop mark

9 Weekend Races New for 2019 No more skippers meetings Except for Ladies Cup Option to set different JAM and Spin courses VHF based “skippers meeting” / radio call (Channel 72) at 0900 Target Duration / picking a course – durations noted on Course sheet Different courses for JAM vs. Spin Can be tricky – talk to RMG if you have questions Why it’s good to bring the Whaler or RIB along Shorten Course / Change of Course Can do for everyone or just one fleet (JAM or Spin) Protocol / Logistics Including sending to a different mark

10 Dinse Operations New for 2019  iStart Controller Cheat Sheet
Before and After Checklist - updated Fill out the log book!!! Windlass operation Wipers and Searchlight – they both work !!!

11 Questions / Discussion

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