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Hyfforddiant Canlyniadau Personol i Ddarparwyr Gofal yn y Cartref

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1 Hyfforddiant Canlyniadau Personol i Ddarparwyr Gofal yn y Cartref
Personal Outcomes Training for Domiciliary Care Providers Cynnal sgyrsiau da Pennod 2 – Sgwrs am yr hyn sy’n bwysig Having a good conversation Chapter 2 – What matters conversation

2 Canlyniad dysgu Learning outcome
Esbonio pwrpas y sgwrs am “yr hyn sy’n bwysig” a sut mae defnyddio sgiliau cyfathrebu da Understand what we mean by a “what matters” conversation and how to use good communication skills

3 Beth yw ystyr sgwrs “beth sy'n bwysig”?
What do we mean by a “what matters” conversation? Pobl yw arbenigwyr eu bywydau eu hunain Y nhw sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i ddweud wrthych beth sy'n rhoi ymdeimlad o lesiant iddynt, ond yn aml mae angen help arnynt i wneud hyn Mae hyn yn cael ei gyflawni trwy gael sgyrsiau da, ac weithiau rydym yn galw’n sgyrsiau “beth sy'n bwysig” People are expert in their own lives They are best placed to tell you what gives them a sense of well-being, but they often need help to do this This is achieved through having good conversations, which we sometime call “what matters” conversations SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Nid yw “Beth sy’n bwysig” yn gwestiwn ar ei ben ei hun – mae’n rhy fawr ac yn rhy eang i ofyn ar ben ei hun. Mae’n un o gyfres o gwestiynau sy’n rhan o sgwrs a ddefnyddir i ddeall gobeithion, pryderon, a’r hyn sy’n bwysig i unigolyn. Trwy cynnal cyfres o sgyrsiau mae’r unigolyn yn ganolog I gynllunio a gwneud penderfyniadau – dewis a rheolaeth. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** “What matters” is not a stand alone question – it’s too big and broad a question to ask by itself. It is part of a series of questions that form part of a conversation used to understand the individual's hopes, fears and what is important to them. By having a series of conversations, the individual is at the centre of planning and decision making – choice and control.

4 O ble mae ymdeimlad o lesiant yn dod?
Where does a sense of well-being come from? Gweithiwch mewn parau neu grwpiau bach Treuliwch dau funud yr un yn siarad am yr hyn sy'n rhoi ymdeimlad o lesiant i chi ac yn bwysig i chi Rhowch adborth i’ch partner ar yr hyn a ddywedodd Work in pairs or small groups Spend two minutes each talking about what gives you a sense of well-being and is important to you Feed back what your partner told you SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES ON: Dylech gynnal sgwrs os ydych yn defnyddio hwn fel rhan o gyfarfod arolygu neu sesiwn un ar un. Oes yna unrhyw themau cyffredin rhwng yr awgrymiadau mae pobl wedi’u wneud? Wnaethoch chi nodi’r hyn sy’n bwysig i chi. Fel arfer bydd atebion pobl yn ffitio i mewn i’r fframwaith ymdeimlad ar y sleid sy’n dilyn. ******************************************************************************************************************************************* NB: Have a discussion if being used in supervision or a one-to-one session. Are there any common themes between the suggestions people have made? You identified what was important to you. Usually, people’s answers will fit into the senses framework shown on the following slide.

5 O ble mae ymdeimlad o lesiant yn dod?
Where does a sense of well-being come from? Ymdeimlad o: Ddiogelwch – corfforol ac emosiynol Perthyn – perthnasoedd a bod yn rhan o bethau Parhad – hanes bywyd Pwrpas – cael rhywbeth i'w anelu ato Cyflawniad – gwneud cyfraniad defnyddiol Arwyddocâd – rydych chi'n bwysig ac yn cael eich parchu Gwerthfawrog i fod pethau bychain, a bob dydd weithiau yn gwneud i fywyd deimlo'n werth chweil A sense of: Security – physical and emotional Belonging – relationships and to be part of things Continuity – life history Purpose – having something to aim for Achievement – making a useful contribution Significance – you matter and are respected Appreciating that sometimes the little, everyday things make life feel worthwhile SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae hwn yn cysylltu â’r Fframwaith Ymdeimlad Nolan, M., Brown, J., Davies, S., Nolan, J. and Keady, J. (2006) The senses framework: improving care for older people through a relationship-centred approach. Available at: Dydy llesiant pobl sy’n gweithio ym “myd gwasanaeth” ddim yn wahanol i’n llesiant ni Crynodeb o’r fframwaith ymdeimlad: Ymdeimlad o ddiogelwch – i deimlo’n ddiogel, nid dim ond yn gorfforol ond y seicolegol. Hynny yw, i deimlo’n rhydd o fygythiad neu niwed, ond nid i’r pwynt ble na ellir cymryd risgiau a hefyd, er enghraifft, i deimlo’n rhydd i allu cwyno heb ofn dial. Ymdeimlad o berthyn – i deimlo’n “rhan o bethau” o fewn y cartref a’r gymuned ehangach, ac i allu cynnal perthnasoedd cyfredol a chreu rhai newydd. Ymdeimlad o barhad – mae hanes bywyd a bywgraffiad pobl yn cael eu hadnabod a’u gwerthfawrogi. Defnyddio'r rhain i gynllunio a darparu gofal sy’n cyfateb a’u dyheadau a’u hoffterau. Ymdeimlad o bwrpas – mae hwn yn cynnwys cael nodau i’w hanelu atynt, y math o bethau sy’n ei gwneud hi’n werth codi yn y bore ac sy’n rhoi teimlad bod “gennyf gyfraniad i’w wneud”. Mae’n bwysig bod pobl hŷn mewn cartrefi gofal yn cael gweithgareddau diddorol gan fod nifer o astudiaethau’n cynnig eu bod yn gwario hyd at 80 y cant o’r amser y maent ar ddihun yn gwneud dim. Ymdeimlad o lwyddiant a bod yn fodlon gyda’ch ymdrechion. Teimlon arwyddocaol – er bod yr holl deimladau’n bwysig, ac mae pob un yn berthnasol i’r nesaf (er enghraifft, mae angen ymdeimlad o bwrpas er mwyn cael ymdeimlad o lwyddiant), teimlo’n arwyddocaol yw’r ymdeimlad mwyaf sylfaenol, o bosib. Mae hwn yn ymwneud â theimlo’ch bod chi o bwys, bod pwysigrwydd i’ch bywyd, a bod pobl eraill yn eich cydnabod chi a’r person yr ydych chi. Wrth i ni fynd yn hŷn mae’r teimlad arwyddocaol yn cael ei fygythio wrth i bobl hŷn golli nifer o bethau ar y r un pryd (gwaith, iechyd, partner neu ffrindiau) ac mae symud i gartref gofal yn golygu colli “cartref”. Felly, mae creu awyrgylch ble mae pobl hŷn yn teimlo’u bod gwir “o bwys” yn hanfodol. Efallai bydd yn defnyddiol i gyfeirio ar hyfforddiant canlyniadau personol (Pennod 1.1) ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* This links to the Senses Framework: Peoples wellbeing is no different for people in “service land” than they are for us. A summary of the senses framework: A sense of security – to feel safe and secure, not just physically but also psychologically. That is to feel free from threat or harm, but not to the extent that no risks are allowed, and also, for example, to feel free to be able to complain without fear of reprisals. A sense of belonging – to feel “part of things”, both within the home and the wider community, and to be able to maintain existing relationships and form new ones. A sense of continuity – so that people's biography and life history are recognised and valued, and used to plan and provide care that is consistent with their wishes and preferences. A sense of purpose – is about having valued goals to aim for, the sort of things that make it worth getting out of bed in the morning and provide a feeling of “I have a contribution to make”.  It is important that older people in care homes have interesting things to do to pass the time, as many studies suggest that they spend up to 80 per cent of their waking day doing nothing. A sense of achievement and to feel satisfied with your efforts. A sense of significance – although all the senses are important, and each one is related to the next (for example, you need a sense of purpose to be able to get a sense of achievement), a sense of significance is possibly the most fundamental sense of all. This is about feeling that you “matter”, that your life has importance, and that other people recognise you and who you are. As we age our sense of significance is threatened, as older people often suffer multiple losses (of work, of health, of a partner or friends) and going into a care home also means the loss of your “home”. Therefore, creating an environment in which older people feel that they really “matter” is crucial. It may be useful to refer to personal outcomes training (Chapter 1.1).

6 Gwrando ar yr hyn sy'n bwysig i bobl
Listening to what’s important to people Rwyf wrth fy modd â cherddoriaeth a chanu ac mae’n helpu fi pan rydw i’n bryderus. Un diwrnod, awgrymodd fy ngweithiwr gofal y gallem ganu gyda'n gilydd i rai o'r hen ganeuon. Rhoddodd hi gân ar YouTube a chawsom ganu gyda’n gilydd. Roedd e hyd yn oed yn dangos y geiriau I love music and singing and this helps me when I’m anxious. One day, my care worker suggested that we could sing along to some of the old tunes together. She put a song on YouTube and we had a lovely sing-a-long; it even showed us the words SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae'r rhain yn esiamplau go iawn y mae pobl wedi rhannu gyda ni. Maen nhw’n weithredai bach sy’n dangos bod y gweithwyr gwir yn gwrando ar y bobl maen nhw’n gweithio gyda nhw. Weithiau'r pethau bychain sydd fwyaf pwysig ac sy’n helpu i adeiladu perthnasoedd da. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** These are examples from practice that people have shared with us. They are small actions that show the worker is really listening to the people they work with. Sometimes it’s the little things that matter and help build good relationships.

7 Gwrando ar yr hyn sy'n bwysig i bobl
Listening to what’s important to people Rydw i wedi bod yn bryderus iawn ers peth amser. Dywedodd un o'r gweithwyr gofal wrthyf ei fod yn aml yn teimlo'r un ffordd a'i fod yn defnyddio awgrymiad gan ei nain, a oedd i gael cawod bob bore a “golchi popeth ddoe i ffwrdd”. Mae heddiw yn ddiwrnod newydd ac yn ddechrau newydd. Trïais i hwn ac mae wir yn helpu fi i deimlo’n bositif am y diwrnod o’m blaen……. I have been very anxious for some time. One of the care workers told me he often felt the same and he used a tip from his granny, which was to shower every morning and ‘wash everything from yesterday away’. Today is a new day and a fresh start! I tried this and it does help me feel positive about the day……..

8 Beth yw cyfathrebu effeithiol?
What is effective communication? Gofyn y cwestiynau cywir Gwrando ar bobl Dangos iddynt eich bod yn clywed yr hyn maen nhw'n ei ddweud Meddwl am yr ystyr y tu ôl i'w geiriau Mynegi cynhesrwydd Rhoi amser a lle i bobl archwilio eu gobeithion, eu teimladau a'u galluoedd eu hunain Asking the right questions Really listening to people Showing them that you hear what they are saying Thinking about the meaning behind their words Expressing warmth Giving people the time and space to explore their own hopes, feelings and abilities

9 Starting a conversation
Dechrau sgwrs Starting a conversation Gall cwestiynau agored helpu pobl i siarad am eu bod yn gofyn am farn a theimladau pobl Gellir ateb cwestiynau caeedig trwy ateb syml, un gair neu ymadrodd byr Allwch chi feddwl am rai enghreifftiau o gwestiynau agored, diddorol? Cwestiwn deniadol “Sut mae pethau gyda chi heddiw?” Yn hytrach na’u harwain “Beth yw’r broblem a sut galla’i helpu?” Open questions can help to get people talking because they ask about people’s opinions and feelings Closed questions can be answered by a simple, one word answer or a short phrase Engaging question “How are things with you today?” Rather than leading them “What’s the problem and how can I help?” SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Ydych chi’n gallu meddwl am esiamplau o gwestiynau, agored, deniadol? Gofynnwch i’r grwp, neu’r person rydych yn gweithio gyda nhw, i gymryd ychydig o amser i gynnig cwestiynau agored a chwestiynau caeedig. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Can you come up with some examples of open, engaging questions? Ask the group or person you are working with to spend some time suggesting open and closed questions.

10 Sut i ddangos eich bod chi wir yn gwrando
How to show that you really are listening Meddyliwch am beth mae’r person yn ddweud, dychmygwch os fedrwch chi Byddwch yn ymwybodol o’ch iaith corfforol Cofiwch beth maen nhw’n ddweud Mae tawelwch yn iawn. Rhowch amser i’r person i feddwl Dylech ymateb gyda datganiadau byr, adlewyrchol sy’n crynhoi’r hyn rydych chi wedi clywed a chadarnhau eich bod gennych cyd-ddealltwriaeth Think about what the person is saying, visualise it if you can Be aware of your body language Remember what they say Silence is perfectly fine. Try and allow the person to have space to think Respond with short reflective statements that summarise what you are hearing and confirm that you have a shared understanding SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Animeiddio: bydd y pwyntiau bwled yn ymddangos fesul un. Gofynnwch i bobl os oes unrhywbeth bydden nhw’n ffeindio’n heriol. Weithiau ni fydd ymddygiad unigolyn bob tro yn dweud wrthym sut mae nhw’n teimo (esiamplau ar sleidiau 14) *************************************************************************************************************************************************** Animation: each bullet point will appear individually. Ask participants if there is anything that they may find challenging? Sometimes a person’s behaviour does not always tell us how they really feel (examples can be found on slide 14). .

11 Sut i ddangos eich bod chi wir yn gwrando, parhad…
How to show that you really are listening cont’d... Mae dangos ein bod ni wir yn gwrando yn cynnwys iaith y corff, nid yn unig y geiriau rydyn ni’n defnyddio. Tôn ein llais Cyswllt llygaid Mynegiant gwyneb Safle breichiau a choesau Mae rhain yn esiamplau o gyfathrebu di-eiriau ac mae nhw yr un mor bwysig Showing that we are really listening includes our body language not just the words we are using. Tone of voice Eye contact Facial expressions Hand and Leg posture These are examples of non verbal communication and are equally as important

12 Body language exercise
Ymafer iaith y corff Body language exercise Mewn grwpiau o dri: Y person cyntaf yw’r siaradwr; siaradwch am rywbeth sy’n codi pryder arnoch Mae’r ail berson yn gwrando ond ddim yn defnyddio sgiliau cyfathrebu da, hynny yw, croesi breichiau, dim llawer o ymatebion, gofyn cwestiynau heb fod yn wirioneddol gwrando In groups of three: First person becomes the speaker; talk about something that concerns you Second person listens but does not use good communication skills, that is crossed arms, minimal responses, asks questions without actually listening SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Os oes amser, anogwch bawb i roi cynnig ar ddefnyddio iaith y corf agored a chaeedig. Gofynnwch i bobl i rannu eu barn, i ganolbwyntio ar sut mae’r person sy’n rhannu eu pryderon yn teimlo pan for y person sy’n gwrando yn ‘gaeedig’, a’r gwahaniaeth mae’n gwneud pan fod iaith y corff yn ‘agored’. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If time allows, encourage everyone to have a go using open and closed body language. Ask participants for their views, focus on how the person who is sharing their concerns feels when the listener is ‘closed’ and what difference it makes when the body language is ‘open’.

13 Body language exercise
Ymafer iaith y corff Body language exercise Mae’r trydydd person cadw llygad ar yr amser (pum munud), ac yn arsylwi’r perthynas a rhannu eu meddyliau Ailadrodd yr ymarfer gan ddefnyddio sgiliau cyfathrebu da y tro hwn; ymlaciwch, gwrandewch, dangos eich bod yn cymryd sylw, meddyliwch am eich tôn llais, defnyddiwch cyswllt llygaid, gofynnwch cwestiynau sy’n berthnasol i’r hyn sy’n cael ei ddweud Third person keeps an eye on the time (five minutes), observes the relationship and shares their thoughts Repeat the exercise this time use good communication skills, be relaxed, listen, show you’re paying attention, think about your tone of voice, use eye contact, ask questions that are relevant to what is being said SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Os oes amser, anogwch bawb i roi cynnig ar ddefnyddio iaith y corf agored a chaeedig. Gofynnwch i bobl i rannu eu barn, i ganolbwyntio ar sut mae’r person sy’n rhannu eu pryderon yn teimlo pan for y person sy’n gwrando yn ‘gaeedig’, a’r gwahaniaeth mae’n gwneud pan fod iaith y corff yn ‘agored’. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If time allows, encourage everyone to have a go using open and closed body language. Ask participants for their views, focus on how the person who is sharing their concerns feels when the listener is ‘closed’ and what difference it makes when the body language is ‘open’.

14 Weithiau nid yw ymddygiad person bob tro’n dweud sut mae nhw’n teimlo go iawn
Sometimes a person’s behaviour does not always tell us how they really feel Pan fo person yn teimlo Efallai byddan nhw (ymddygiad) Yn fregus Dadlau Pryderus Dangos cytundeb goddefol Ofn barnu Lleihau’r broblem Cywilydd Gwrthod cydweithredu Because a person feels They may (behaviour) Vulnerable Argue Anxious Show passive agreement Fear of judgement Minimise the problems Shame Refuse to co-operate SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl os ydyn nhw’n gallu meddwl am amser pan iddyn nhw gamfarnu sefyllfa yn seiliedig ar ymddygiad oedd ddim yn cyd-fynd â sut roedd y person yn teimlo go iawn. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Ask participants if they can think of any situation they may have misjudged, based on behaviour that does not match how the person actually feels.

15 Awgrymiadau ar gyfer sgyrsiau da
Tips for good conversations Byddwch yn onest gyda'ch gilydd Parhau i gyfathrebu Efallai y bydd y ffordd rydych chi'n cyfathrebu ag un person yn wahanol i'r nesaf Mae sgyrsiau da wedi'u hadeiladu o berthnasau ymddiriedus Ceisiwch osgoi achub, cynghori, dweud neu “gwneud i” yn hytrach na “gyda” Mae'n daith nid cyrchfan Weithiau gall fod yn ddefnyddiol cael awgrymiadau i helpu llif y sgwrs Be honest with each other Keep communicating How you communicate with one person might be different to the next Good conversations are built from trusting relationships Try to avoid rescuing, advising, telling or “doing to” rather than “with” It’s a journey not a destination Sometimes it can be useful to have prompts to help the conversation flow SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Mae’n gallu bod yn dderbyniol i rannu gwybodaeth bersonol (ond nid preifat) – er enghraifft siarad am eich teulu neu eich bywyd eich hun er mwyn adeiladu perthynas. Ond, dydy hwn ddim am “dadlwytho”! Rhaid i chi hefyd gweithio o fewn polisïau eich sefydliad a’r Cod Ymarfer Proffesiynol. Efallai y bydd y ffordd rydych chi’n cyfathrebu ag un person yn wahanol i’r nesaf. Mae pawb yn wahanol ac yn cyfathrebu’n wahanol. Gall sut mae person yn cyfathrebu newid dros amser, hefyd. Efallai bydd angen i chi weithio gydag eiriolwyr a theulu, gyda phobl sy’n defnyddio ieithoedd gwahanol ac sydd â diwylliant gwahanol. Mae wastad werth defnyddio unrhyw sgiliau, megis yr iaith Gymraeg, ble’n bosibl. Gall eitemau cynorthwyol dod o amgylchedd yr unigolyn, er enghraifft lluniau neu lyfrau. Neu efallai gallwch ddefnyddio adnoddau megis lluniau sydd wedi cael eu datblygu at y diben hwn. ********************************************************************************************************** It can be okay to share personal information (not private) – talking about your family or own life story to build rapport. But it isn’t about off loading! And you need to work within your organisation’s policies and the Code of Professional Practice. How you communicate with one person might be different to the next. Everyone is different and will communicate differently. People’s communication will also change over time. You might need to work with advocates and family, with people who use different languages to you and have a different culture. It is always worth using any skills such as Welsh where you can. Prompts could be in the person’s environment, like photos or books, or they could be resources like pictures that are developed for this purpose.

16 Cwestiynau i chi feddwl am
Suggested questions for you to think about Sut fyddem ni'n gwybod pan fyddwn ni'n cael sgwrs dda gydag unigolion? How would we know when we’re having a good conversation with individuals? SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Awgrymiadau: Pobl yn dweud wrthym beth sy’n bwysig iddynt Pobl yn rhannu eu teimladau a’u meddyliau Rydyn ni’n dod i adnabod pobl a deall yr hyn sy’n bwysig a sut gallwn ni cefnogi nhw ********************************************************************************************************** Tips: People are telling us what’s important to them People are sharing their thoughts and feelings We’re getting to know people and understand what’s important and how we can support them


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