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HISTORIC TIMELINE by: Jordi and Jaume.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORIC TIMELINE by: Jordi and Jaume."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORIC TIMELINE by: Jordi and Jaume

2 PREHISTORIC Iron Age,Broce Age and Neolithic
Prehistoric can refer to the of human period of human existence before the availability of those written records.

3 ROMAN The Roman Empire was the post Republican period of the anancient Roman civilization

4 SAXON AND VIKING The Angol-Saxon were the population in Britain partly descended from the German trubes

5 MEDIEVAL Medieval periode, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the western roman empire and merged in to the renaissane.

6 16th AND 17th CENTURIES the 17th centuries was the century from january 1, to december 31, in the gregorian calendar.

7 18th AND 17th CENTURIES The 19th century was a period in history maked by the collapse of the Spanish, firts and second French Chinese, Holy Roman and Mughal empires.

8 MODERN Modern history,also referned to as the modern period or the Modern era, os the historiographical approach to the timefram after the postclassical

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