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Problem Solving situation (session) by

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1 Problem Solving situation (session) by

2 Problem solving situation (session)
Level : ms1 Sequence : one me and my friends Step by step using pictures from a modest classroom and with my handsome pps using task based learning Teacher : djamel djamel.

3 What is a problem? A doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution” “Something hard to understand or accomplish or deal with.”

4 What is problem solving situation?
Problem solving represents a complex mental activity consisting of a variety of cognitive skills and actions. Problem solving included higher order thinking skills such as "visualization, association, abstraction,comprehension, manipulation, reasoning, analysis, synthesis, generalization--each needing to be 'managed' and 'coordinated'" (Garofalo & Lester, 1985, p. 169). To

5 Icebreak : as always by greeting each other and a song .

6 1)Pre task Brainstorming I asked a question using gestures:
What are they doing? Or You can use your mobile show them that your chatting and

7 the first word said by my learners is :كونكتي then:
They started giving any thing has a relation with internet (all learners showed Interests and Participated) and I wrote all that They said. Then, I asked (with gestures) which one we use to chat

8 Then, I asked (with gestures) which one we use to chat.
I showed them Some pics To Explain the Word chat

9 ‘they underlined which one we use to chat

10 2)Task : I wrote the problem solving on the board

11 The teacher reads the problem solving situation .
The teacher invites 2 or 3 learners to read.(the teacher helps)

12 In this step the learners try to identify the familiar and the unfimiliar words
The unfimiliar words here are: Friendship,international, blog,member, a post,introduce. and here the learners meet and define the problem.

13 I explained these words using gestures ,2 flash cards to explain the word friendship.
a flash card to show them the logo of Blog (I said it is the same like facebook (with gestures) I used L1 to explain the words: member and introduce to avoid wasting time.

14 Here i wrote only the word photo and the learners started particpated.

15 grouping to start solving the problem.
I grouped them /the learners started Working to generate solutions.(15mn)

16 In this step the teacher must check /encourage but mustn’t help .

17 3)Post task: analysing /reporting
I checked what the learners wrote then invited some learners to read (what they wrote). Here the teacher Must accept every Thing reported By the learners. and here are some real samples :

18 For example


20 Here I told the learners that this what we are going to study in sequence one.
One of my learner said ;mr this is وضعية مشكل I said yes. I invited my learners to copy it on their copy books the teacher : djameldjamel

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