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Pre-AP Friday, 8/26 Pick up a colorful strip on your way in

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-AP Friday, 8/26 Pick up a colorful strip on your way in"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-AP Friday, 8/26 Pick up a colorful strip on your way in
Pick up a scratch sheet of paper on your way in Take out your hot pink keeper Set your scratch sheet of paper up for OPTIC


3 Personal Eras What is an era?
Blocks of time that have similar characteristics What are some possible examples of eras? Within eras, we have specific significant events that happen

4 Personal Eras Example: Civil Rights Era
1954: Brown vs. Board of Education 1956: Montgomery Bus Boycott 1963: March on Washington 1968: MLK Assassination

5 Personal Eras Assignment: You are going to create a timeline dividing your life into eras (3 eras) with significant events marked (2-3 events each era). This is due at the END of class! Once done, on the back of your timeline answer the following questions: What has been the most significant era in your life so far? Why? What has been the most significant individual event in your life so far? Why?

6 Personal Eras: Mr. Miller’s Life Example
Elementary Got my first dog, Heinz Parents divorced Started playing soccer Middle School Miserable 6TH & 7TH grade years Started club soccer in Spring 8th grade I had 2 influential teachers who changed my life High School Made KHS Soccer Graduated College Went to Texas Tech Spent 6 months living and going to college in Manchester, England Worked at Kids Footlocker Played intramural soccer, won the co-ed league and lost in the men's finals Young Became a teacher Got married to my wife Adult Have two daughters and two awesome dogs; my first doggy daughter Sammy

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