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Open Data for Decision Making: Using GeoNode for emergency preparedness & DRM Bishwa Pandey Sr. Data Management Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Data for Decision Making: Using GeoNode for emergency preparedness & DRM Bishwa Pandey Sr. Data Management Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Data for Decision Making: Using GeoNode for emergency preparedness & DRM
Bishwa Pandey Sr. Data Management Specialist

2 Open Data and the World Bank
The World Bank recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to the development process and central to achieving the Bank’s mission to alleviate poverty. As a knowledge institution, the World Bank’s first step is to share its knowledge freely and openly.

3 Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI)
The Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) is a global partnership that aims to encourage and facilitate the sharing and use of climate, disaster and other geospatial data to enable more effective decision-making by providing the rationale, technical assistance, and tools for data sharing.

4 Building resilience and better decision-making
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC ) region is one of the most vulnerable region with respect to natural disasters About 20 countries in LAC region has half of the GDP exposed to natural disasters Damages due to natural hazards happen because of HOW and WHERE we build The key component in decision making is using (geospatial) data in decision making process

5 Six Pillars of OpenDRI Institutional Support Technical Support
Innovation Capacity Building Knowledge Exchange Partnership

6 Technology & Innovation for DRM
INNOAVATION TECHNOLOGY GeoNode - Collaborative data sharing tools InaSAFE - Deterministic risk assessment tool CAPRA - Probabilistic risk assessment tool OSM - Participatory mapping tools Open Data Tool Kit – Mobile data collection tools

7 GeoNode A central repository to manage and store spatial data
Platform to collaborate and share Search and find data and map Easily visualize data to create maps for decision making Open-source software, easy to customize

8 GeoNode

9 Add data from other sources

10 Extendable to Run Application

11 Countries in LAC with GeoNode
Belize Haiti Dominica St. Lucia SVG Grenada Guyana Other countries in Latin America Colombia Bolivia

12 How does GeoNode work for our clients?

13 A Case for Saint Lucia SLING: Saint Lucia Integrated National GeoNode

14 A Case for Bolivia - GeoSinager
Comprehensive Management of Disaster Risk in Bolivia, providing access to geographic information produced by all member institutions of the National Risk Reduction and Disaster and / or Emergency SISRADE of easily and readily.

15 A Case for Bolivia – GeoSinager
A Network of GeoNode - Institutional Collaboration SENAMHI SERGEOTECMIN Instituto Geográfico Militar Sistema Nacional de Información en Salud Ministerio de Obras Públicas

16 GeoNode Bolivia
Geology Health Civil Defense Hydromet Military Geography Institute GeoNode Bolivia

17 Innovation Use of Smartphone in capturing
real time data Students learning to use mobile mapping technology in Dominica

18 Innovation From knowledge Input to decision making To Data
Tapping knowledge of experts From knowledge Input to decision making To Data

19 Updates & Progress Increased data collection
Increased collaboration among ministries and agencies Use of data in decision-making process Emergency shelter vulnerability assessment Prioritization of infrastructure investments Inputs for territorial planning Emergency planning and preparedness Operational support Building partnerships and coalitions

20 Using GeoNode in Other Sectors
Assess most vulnerable populations Measure impacts of social and developmental programs Citizen feedback Territorial planning Monitoring and Evaluation Environmental Planning

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