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Stereotypes in the Media

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1 Stereotypes in the Media
Week Four of Media Literacy

2 Stereotype Stereotypes are rigid conclusions about all or most that tend to end inquiry and limit possibilities

3 Generalizations Generalizations are flexible descriptions about some or many that can help to begin inquiry and expand possibilities What is the big difference between stereotypes and generalizations?

4 For example… “Some white people have no rhythm” is a __________.
While, “white people can’t dance is a ________.

5 Create Generalizations between boys and girls
How do they dress differently? What do they do differently? How are they treated differently? What things does each group tend to like/dislike?

6 Create a chart Act like a man Be ladylike What does it mean to act like a man/or be ladylike? What words or expectations come to mind? (men don’tcry, girls are polite..)

7 Questions to consider…
When are media “simply entertaining” and when are they “teaching”? When do media images become stereotypes? Do media create new stereotypes or just repeat stereotypes already common in society? Should media try ending the use of stereotypes that may be harmful?

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