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Socratic Seminar Guidelines

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1 Socratic Seminar Guidelines

2 Before the Seminar… Read and prepare your text before the seminar.
Highlight important passages/ ideas and make notes in the margin of the text. Use post-its to note specific passages and write your thoughts or questions.

3 Prepare 3 opening Questions
Ask about viewpoint, perspectives (realist, pessimist, optimist, etc.) Examine the title or tone, or connect it to current themes and issues Ask, “If the author were alive today, how would he/she feel about…?” Ask questions about the importance of the piece: “So what does it matter that…?”

4 During the Seminar Rules for Participation:
Be courteous. No put-downs or sarcasm. Allow each speaker to begin and finish his/her thoughts – don’t interrupt. Involve other in the discussion and ask others to elaborate on their responses. Build on what others say. Nod, make eye-contact, provide feedback, and listen.

5 Rules, cont. Support your opinions with evidence from the text.
Remember the goal is EXPLORATION – keep and open mind and push for deeper interpretations and understanding

6 Proper Responses I agree with…but would also like to add..
I disagree with…and would like to add… I am confused by… My feeling about this piece ties right back to (such and such line) The author has clearly stated in line 22 that… It may not say this in the text, but we can conclude… Could you restate that? Or could you clarify that?

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