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Wrt 205: critical research

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1 Wrt 205: critical research
Dr. Rusty Bartels Friday, April 19th, 2019 Week 13, Day 3

2 Overview Final Portfolio Freewrite Partner Whole Class Wrap-up

3 Freewrite Read the final portfolio assignment prompt
In your own words, summarize what you will have to do Compose at least one question that you have about the assignment

4 Partner Share each of your summaries
Check in with each other: does one of you have missing information? Are they important gaps? Share your question(s). Can your partner answer it? Each partner group will be expected to share out your discussion of the above questions with the class.

5 Freewrite How are you feeling about the prospect of this assignment? Does it feel manageable? Daunting? So-so? However you’re feeling is ok and valid. It is information for you. What form do you think your portfolio will take? How do you want to collect and organize all the pieces? (e.g. Drive folder, website, etc.)

6 Wrap-up Today we: Reviewed the Final Portfolio Next time:
Studio for Final Portfolio

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