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Jefferson County Responsible Fatherhood Program

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Presentation on theme: "Jefferson County Responsible Fatherhood Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jefferson County Responsible Fatherhood Program
Leveraging Constructive Co-parenting principles to combat Professional burnout Jefferson County Responsible Fatherhood Program

2 Topics to discuss Professional Burnout Principles of Co-parenting
Self Nurturing

3 Professional BUrnout

4 Burnout Defined Chronic state of stress that leads to:
Physical and emotional exhaustion Cynicism and Detachment Feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment

5 Physical & Emotional Exhaustion
Insomnia / Chronic Fatigue Limited Attention / Concentration Forgetfulness Physical symptoms Loss of Appetite Anxiety Depression Anger

6 Cynicism & Detachment Pessimism Isolation Sense of Disconnectedness
Loss of Enjoyment

7 Ineffectiveness & lack of accomplishment
Feelings of Apathy & Hopeless Increased Irritability Lack of Productivity / Poor Performance

8 How can we leverage the principles of Constructive Co-parenting to combat burnout?

9 Co-parenting Domains Self Nurturing Empathy Anger/Resentment
Forgiveness Constructive Communication Child Best Interest This applies to all of my relationships!

10 Mission Constructive Co-Parenting will provide the tools to enhance the self awareness and communication skills of parents, in order to elicit constructive parental behavior that continuously nurtures the best interests of the children involved. How do we do this?

11 Child Best Interest Defined
Behavior that ensures the social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, spiritual and financial needs of children are continually and constructively monitored, nurtured, and met, from infancy through adolescence. How do we do this?

12 - Stephen J.Bavolek
“Building a more positive view of self adds immeasurable strength to the parent and child and their attempts to strengthen the quality of their relationship. For the parents in particular, only after they learn to accept and enjoy themselves can they learn to accept and enjoy their children.” - Stephen J.Bavolek

13 Self nurturing Defined
Continually monitoring, nurturing, and meeting your own Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative, Emotional, Social, and Financial needs. Self Nurturing is inextricably linked to every relationship we have: Co-parenting Partners Family Friends Customers / Clients Professional Relationships

14 Dr. Bavolek’s S.p.i.c.e.s. What are they? Spiritual Physical
Intellectual Creative Emotional Social Financial

15 Spices and burnout symptoms
Which of the SPICES addresses each symptom of burnout? Physical and emotional exhaustion Cynicism and Detachment Feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment

16 Why we Self Nurture Self Nurturing builds emotional awareness
Emotional awareness builds empathy Empathy teaches compassion Burnout is the antithesis of compassion (for others & self)

17 “I woke up one morning, at the tender age of fifteen, and I thought to myself: Man, I really hope I get ordered to pay child support some day.” - No one, ever.

18 To make a referral: Jeff Thompson

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